Thursday, December 15, 2016

Now a family of 6

I'm actually not surprised it took me this long to update. I am still determined to keep these memories at least for a couple years until you guys can remember for yourselves :) Life has been absolutely crazy. Grace is almost 6 months old! I remember going into labor and not knowing for sure if it was labor. (You would think I would know by now). But I got to the hospital just in time! Just about 2 laters at 10:58 pm Grace Mary was born at 8 lb 12 oz and 21 1/4 inches long :)  The delivery went great overall, and the recovery has been bumpy. I am so grateful for the timing of things. Having a summer baby was actually nice. I have missed out on a lot of things but the older 3 were kept busy while I recovered. Postpartum days are difficult for me. It is a time of weakness and struggle. But even now, just 6 months out, I can already look back and see the Lord's hand in things. My mom was the biggest means of grace. I feel like she kept us sane and alive at times. But more importantly, people emailing me truth and praying for me gave me hope in my darkest moments.  I am so grateful that this season was shorter than I anticipated, and with each passing day, life is starting to feel normal although I don't know what normal really is :)


I am so glad you are finally here. A year ago I couldn't even picture what it would be like to have another member, another girl, in our family. And now it already feels as you've always been here. You by far have been the most difficult, but it's not your fault and we do not love you any less.  I never knew what colic was like until we had you. The first couple months you cried a lot.  I walked and bounced with you a lot (hoping I would lose more weight in the process), and daddy put you in the stroller and walked many loops in the middle of the night trying to calm you down. So now at almost 6 months, it is such a relief that those days are over for you, and everyone is truly enjoying you. Your brothers and sister love to help care for you, hold you and try to make you laugh.  Noah always protects you and make sure no one is bothering you. Chloe likes to pick out your outfits and show you off wherever we go, and Eli likes to get in your face and say, "Hiiii Gacie."  I just asked daddy if there's something he wants to tell you and he said, " I love your dimples, but you're killing me." Well yes, you still hate sleeping at night and we are working on that. As for me, I enjoy your smiles, your belly laughs and your chunky things.  I'm enjoying snuggling with you when I can as I know you will be running around this house in no time.  We love you so much and despite the challenge you have been, you have been an added blessing to all our days. We look forward to getting to know you. We love you!


 I just love this. He couldn't stop hugging you.

 How tiny you were!


 5 months!