Thursday, December 15, 2016

Chloe turned 5


I don't know where to begin. My goodness you have so much energy and life in you. You are constantly busy and chatting. When you are not here or when you're sick the house just doesn't seem right. This past year you have matured so much. Having a little sister has really brought out your nurturing side, and you are so loving and compassionate towards Grace. You are also an amazing sister to Eli. You help him with everything, potty training, getting him dressed and being his playmate. Just in the past couple months you have become better friends. When he was sick a few weeks ago, he just wanted you to hold him :) He does everything you tell him. Recently you guys were playing the story of Samuel and Eli from the Bible together. I overheard you saying to Eli.." Now you say, Is that you Lord?, speak so you're servant can hear you." You pick up things so quick it makes me laugh.

You are also best buds with Noah.  You two have built some amazing lego creations together. You guys recently wrote/ made a book together that I will keep for years to come. You are so smart and a quick learner. You've already started to read! You and I have been reading Noah's Kindergarten books and you just want to keep going. This past fall we took off your training wheels on your bike, but now we just have to teach you how to stop :) You also did ballet and gymnastics but you preferred gymnastics. You love to bake and cook with me, and you love to wrestle with daddy and be tickled by us. Oh and how could I forget... CRAFTS. That's all you really want to do. You love to color with me. You are always making stuff and more stuff. There's tape and scraps all over the house. Mom -mom just bought you some more crafts and has come up here just so she can do them with you. You have so many pictures you've made that you just stack them in a drawer and use them as your birthday cards. You also put them in envelopes and give them to random people when they come over.  For Christmas you want more play doh. I never knew a kid who loves it as much as you.

You have a strong personality and are very persistent.  Dad thinks you would be good in sales.  You are a great helper wherever you are. I get that feedback from a lot of people. I love your heart to help and I hope the Lord softens your heart and that you would serve him above all else. We love you so much and are praying for you Chloe!

 It looked better on pinterest. Oh well, I tried.
 Your pose made me laugh. It's so "you".