Monday, December 19, 2016

Noah is turning 7


Today my first baby turns seven. I honestly remember when you were a baby, looking forward to when you would call me "mommy" and saying "I love you".  Now we are way passed that, and you call me mom, and you say a "I love you" and lots of funny things.  I don't know if it's appropriate to spell it out on the blog, but lets just say you were a little intrigued when I was nursing Grace the first few months. You are telling jokes, and it's fun watching you crack yourself up. That's what really makes me laugh.

This year first grade has been a lot harder than kindergarten.  On orientation day, you're biggest concern was that there was no lego table.  We are so proud of how hard you are working.  You are outstanding at memorizing scripture, and you are reading faster thanks to all the star wars books you like to read. And speaking of Star Wars, I was never interested in it, and now I have come to enjoy it because it brings you so much joy.  Your artwork continues to revolve around it. Just this past week you came home with a gingerbread man holding a blue light saber.  Everything you draw or build is Star Wars, even my Mothers day card.  For Halloween I surprised you with a Luke Skywalker costume and you were so happy.  I kinda bribed you because I didn't want to see my sweet boy in a Darth Vader costume.

At home things have been challenging these last few months, but you've stepped up your game and are quick to help when needed. A lot of times you initiate doing things without even being asked because you want to bless me. You are so sweet and caring towards Grace, and she is very quick to smile when she sees you even if you aren't making her laugh.  She adores you and you do a good job making sure she isn't being bothered. You and Chloe are still good friends despite you're normal conflicts. You do a great job coming along side of her when she doesn't want to do things and encourage her, especially with swimming.  Then there's Eli who just loves being with you and doing big boy things with you like legos and nerf guns. He's so excited when you come home. What's been really funny is that he always goes to your back pack and eats your leftover lunch. Dad right now enjoys coaching you in soccer and basketball, reading with you, watching you swim and playing games that you enjoy like light saber fights, cards and wrestling.  This week he is taking you skiing for the first time:) You've done a real good job trying new things even if you don't think you'll like it.  I enjoy playing legos with you, reading with you, watching you learn the piano and just laughing with you.

Noah, we are so proud of the boy you have grown to be.  You have a sweet and gentle spirit and all your friends are drawn to you because of your kindness. You are sensitive to peoples needs and love to share your things and care for those around you.  Thank you for being a part of my favorite 7 years. Happy Birthday! We love you so much!