Tuesday, January 15, 2019


To My Family,

Last night I was on a 5 hour flight to Seattle and kept thinking about how wonderful these last few weeks have been.  It’s been awhile since I’ve traveled, and I was flooded with emotions as I thought about each of you. 

I love your determination and desire to be so independent at such a young age.  Yesterday all of your siblings were out playing in the snow and you wanted to join them.  I helped you put on your snow pants and went to put peanut butter on my English muffin.  When I turned around, you had already put on your own boots and were asking me to help you put on your jacket.  You remind me of your older sister and how determined she is when she puts her mind to something.  I love holding your hand as we walk around, but your preferred method of travel is in my arms (which I love).  You’re very caring towards your siblings and are learning how to say so many words and sentences.  You are quick to say,"sawee E-I *(sorry Eli), and we rarely remind you to say "dank you mommy "(thank you). You really do complete our family.

Son, my heart melted as I walked out the door and you called down from upstairs “I love you dad.”  You are growing up right before my eyes.  One thing I appreciate about you is how quick you are to forgive, whether that it be fordaddy for sometimes not making wise decisions (sorry about the sledding accident), or your siblings when they are unkind to you.  I love that you love to wrestle with me and always want to go to the store or run errands with me.  In a lot of ways you remind me of myself when I was a boy, always wanting to be with grandpa.  Your smile is so unique son, and it really does brighten up my day.  You’re learning so much both in school and at home, and I love talking to you about Jesus.  This past Sunday we had our little “home church service” and you knew so many answers to the questions I was asking.  You’re like a little sponge.  I love you much and am grateful to God to be your daddy.

You are so competitive just like me.  Remember that’s it’s okay to be competitive, but I want you to learn that God cares less about whether you win or lose, and more about your heart and how you respond during and after the game (win or lose).  I pray you learn this much earlier in life than I learned it.  It’s been a lot of fun coaching you in basketball this year and seeing how you really seek to persevere in basketball and so many other areas in your life.  This is a wonderful attribute to have and it will take you far in life.  I love how curious and inquisitive (you ask lots of questions) you are.  That’s one of the reasons you’re so smart, because you’re always asking questions.  You are also quite diligent in getting things done whether that be your homework right after school or reading when I ask you to.  Lately I've seen you grow in gentleness with your little sister.  She adores you greatly, and its been fun watching you two play together.  You know the house is never quiet when you’re around, and I appreciate hearing you sing.  You’re such a beautiful girl, and I love being your daddy.

Son, you crack me up.  I love your sense of humor and your growing interest in reading these days.  One area I’ve seen you grow in recently is kindness.  Yesterday you spent a lot of time organizing Chloe’s room while she was in the kitchen making breakfast with mommy.  It was fun to see how excited you were in blessing her with an organized room.  I enjoyed our snowball fight yesterday and sledding with you the last few days.  Your love for the game of basketball and our Wizards is growing.  You’ve come a long way in this sport, and I’m confident that if you put in the time and practice hard you can be a very good basketball player.  I’ve enjoyed having you stay up a little later these days and getting some more quality time with you. Often times during the day your younger siblings seem to get more attention.  Son, remember that sports are a blast, dreaming about flying on a broom like Harry Potter is entertaining but the most enjoyable, the most amazing thing you could ever have in life is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Noah, you’re a handsome boy, and I’m very grateful to God that I’m your daddy. 

How to put down in words all that is in my heart always seems impossible.   I love you so much honey.  I love raising a family with you and being with you.  Whether it’s in the kitchen being your sous chef, (I want to do that more), watching a movie with you and the kids on the couch or driving to various events,  I just want to be near you.  One thing I’ve recently been made aware of is how sacrificial you are.  Perhaps it’s because I’ve been home for the last 6 weeks, but man, no wonder you’re tired by the end of the day.  Yesterday we were all excited to build an igloo together as a family, and when I got outside Grace seemed really tired and without batting an eye you took her inside and put her to bed.  I’m sure you would have preferred to be outside with the rest of us, but you did what was best for our daughter, and you've been doing it for 10 years. Thank you for the way that you serve our family and lay your life down. I must add how gorgeous and overall stunning you are, but you don't draw attention to that and your beauty really comes from with in.   I'm grateful for the godly example of a wife and mommy you are to our girls. ( Have I ever told you that you make my heart flutter the way you look at me?)

One of my favorite things to do when away on travel is thinking about coming home to you.  I love thinking about what you and the kids are doing throughout the day, wishing I could teleport back home and sleep next to you.  Know that the best part of my travels is when I cross through the front door and arrive home to you.  There is no other place I would rather be.

Remember that the kids don’t need (nor do they have) a perfect mommy but rather a mommy who’s desperate for Jesus.  Continue to press into Him, be quick to confess, and enjoy these days that we have with our young ones.  Lastly, know that I’m a happier man, better husband and father and more like Christ because of you Reema.  Thank you for marrying me and choosing to love me the way that Christ loves the church.

All my love,

First & fun snowy weekend of the year

I was so grateful that this snowstorm came right before Dad's trip to Seattle.  We had so much as a family together, and I went sledding for the first time in decades (and I can't believe I'm old enough to use that word).  I didn't have an excuse of staying in with a napping child, so I bundled up and embraced the cold. I wanted our time outside to be at least double the time it took us to get geared up, so you guys were outside for a good few hours. Grace, just like Chloe when she was little, preferred eating the snow rather than playing in it.

We are also so blessed to have wonderful neighbors who join in on all the fun.  I usually dread the winter months, but for some reason this year I am really loving it. Time is flying so quickly that it doesn't seem long before we are at the pool again.  Being the homebody that I am, whats not to love about being cozied up on the couch reading Harry Potter to Noah with a cup of hot chocolate? Since Christmas flew by, I allowed you all to watch Elf just one more time. We played lots of games (Apples to Apples and Spot It), enjoyed lots of yummy treats (cinnamon rolls, popcorn, & Rice Krispie treats) and had a a blast with our friends...

And in the midst of writing this post, this happened. Praise God it wasn't worse, but brave Eli had his first and hopefully last sledding accident. He responded so well, and as you can see it didn't stop him from enjoying his hot cocoa.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

autumn days and holidays 2018

 Eli had has first soccer season and loved it

happy campers on a hike while mom naps with Grace at the campsite
 trick or treat

 lots of snuggles and stories
 removing kernels off our corn
 and enjoying the fruit of our labor
 special weekend with Mom-mom & Grandpa
 my favorite and grateful turkey
first snow of the season in November
 tea with me
pumpkin something
 Christmas pizzas and Grace unable to exercise self control
 Im D.C...converting a double stroller into a quadruple
 playdate with BESTEST friend ever
 school concert
 Christmas cookies!

with EXTRA sprinkles
 bonding with the littlest cousin, Paige
Grace's first gingerbread house
 Christmas day and that was the best we could do
 Happy New Year! Kicking it off with some of our favorite people

I keep saying, "I want to write that down, so I don't forget." But here I am, and I forgot.  I know I can't capture all our sweet times, but it's honestly becoming less important to me.  I look forward to the time to come more than reflecting on the time we left behind.  Life's sweet and short memories are just a foretaste of the glorious eternity that lies ahead.  

Currently Grace is circling around Danny singing, "Let it Go!" Just today for the first time, she was finally able to tell me all her colors without help! We've been working so hard on it, and I'm excited to move onto the next thing, counting to 10 :) She has become so much more teachable, and I love hearing her talk. After anything I tell her, she responds with a long and drawn out, "oooooohh".   You are really into play doh, setting the dinner table, and tea parties with mom right now. 

Eli completed his first soccer season, and unfortunately the season was rained out most of the time, but he was happy as can be out there aggressively running after the ball.  I'm going to miss you when you are in Kindergarten next year. We are working on writing your letters, and even beginning to read! We went to Chik-Fil-a last week in the blistering cold, and as we were walking in, he walked close to me and says, "I just want a blanket and snuggle on the couch with you." You warmed my heart.

(Just for a reality check,  I just had to stop blogging to break up the 10th conflict of the day). 

Chloe finished another season of gymnastics. She was so unbelievably good at all she did, but wanted to give it a break and try basketball. You aren't the best at basketball yet, but for you, its just a matter of time. I know you will work hard until you get better.  You were excited to score at your first game yesterday. My highlight from you was the Christmas gift you gave me. My first "BFF" jewelry :) I never had one growing up, and it means the world to me that you wanted to share a bracelet with me. I've worn it every day.

Noah got a basketball hoop for his bedroom door. I am wondering right now if the door and floors are still intact as you are playing. Oh well. You think its cool right now, and you refer to yourself as "Steph Noah" when you play. The biggest highlight for you, is that we have discovered a new interest other than Star Wars- HARRY POTTER! And you sucked me into it.  You started reading it with dad, but I overheard a lot, reread what you started, and took over reading it with you! We are in the middle of book 2.  After playing quidditch in my sleep, I woke up yesterday morning to Eli crying and saying, "I'm not a muggle!"  

And then there's dad. He needs an update too. Dad completed an olympic triathlon this year, and so now we are on to the Half Ironman of course. I like to think he's trying to stay as young as me:)  Although it wasn't the best year at work, as a matter of fact his worst, you wouldn't have known it.  He has been working diligently and pressing forward. He really makes most of his time when he's at home to engage with you kiddos.  He loves tickling and wrestling with you all, playing legos with Eli, reading with Grace, making a surprise breakfast with Chloe, letting Noah stay up to watch the Wizards play (the basketball team, not the ones from Hogwarts), and even taking a day off work to give me a mental day off.  Hmm maybe thats why it wasn't a good year now that I think of it. I did need a lot of those days. Anyway and most importantly, he has been teaching you Jesus.  He has been faithfully using free time to fill you with what you need most, the saving work of Jesus in your life (and my life). I am so grateful to be parenting with him, and we are praying now more than ever that you would choose the narrow way to eternal life. 

As for me, I feel grateful for the season I am in right now.  It is a season that seems SLIGHTLY more restful giving me SLIGHTLY more time to pursue personal interests. However, I can honestly be tempted to pursue those things more than the things that are a priority.  Even today I was convicted at church when I was challenged on how I was using my "free time" and reminded of how I need the Lord above all else even NOW.  I am more aware in these "prosperous" times that I am not promised an easier life. I know trials will come, (and believe me there are trials daily here), but I want to be able to stand firm on the rock when they do, rather than drift away.  This is very close to my heart as dear friends of ours are in a very trying season, and how Ally has responded in the face of fiery trials has provoked me. As she walks through deep waters, her mind is stayed on the Lord and is anchored in truth. While our hearts are heavy for them, I am grateful for their faithful and living testimony of the good and loving Father we serve. His powerful hands are clearly upholding them.  Because of the hope and promises that we have in Christ, we know that God is near and will not forsake them, or us. His grace is sufficient for all things at all times. 

Until Eli's birthday...