Friday, May 25, 2018

Update in pictures...

Chloe loves art so for a date we went to the Amazing art studio and had some popcorn while we painted a cupcake together.
Cereal for dinner with some of our favorite friends 
And perhaps that sugar intake lead to Chloes 4 stitches that same night...
Kalahari Resort just to get away as a family, and well this one was a bit stressful, i think the local indoor pool will suffice for a couple more years.
We enjoyed a school play together
Eli and his best buddy Owen have a sweet friendship.  These peaceful playdates have been a such a blessing to you buddy (and to the mama's).
Grace has been given us a hard time at bedtime. Once I thought you finally fell asleep only to find that Noah had gone in and taken you out of the crib to rock you...
So Dad was away during that time and when he got home he insisted you "just cry it out". So after putting you down, you settled after 10 minutes of crying, he was convinced he solved the ongoing problem. However when dad and I headed to bed we realized he wasn't so heroic, but Chloe was...

 Chloe scooped you up this time and took you in. And sometimes you've returned the favor in your bed..
Happy Birthday to me. The cards you guys made were so thoughtful and hilarious. I think some left me crying. It's so sweet that Noah and Chloe can actually write their own cards now with no one to edit..
Daddy made his own dessert by combining some of my faves, chocolate and mint ice cream on an oreo pie crust (because I hate the cream) with dark chocolate covered strawberries. I loved the thoughtfulness.
I was really excited about these fun balloons dad found. I wasted time trying to make these for Chloes birthday and failed thanks to pinterest. Dad found them at the dollar store, 6 for a $1! (This is where the rolled eye emoji should be inserted)
Eli's first O's game (and Grace's too)

Easter Sunday, family picture accomplished
Camping and 1 picture of Chloe working...
But the ride home pretty much sums up our camping weekends...
Happy mothers day to me, muffins with Eli at school, daddy made breakfast, and a night at the Rio and some more hilarious cards that I have definitely saved. 
Gracie growing up and dressed to impress
Warmer weather (finally) means family bike rides!
The privileges of being older means staying up a little later but still pooping out...

And one time Noah, you were suppose to go to bed but insisted on eating a salad first. Of course I said yes!!!
Grace and Mommy joined you at school for a 2 mile run and lunch. Fun times. 

Squirt gun fights with our neighbors
Sleepover with your cousins! This was a first and hopefully not a last!
Eli, you fell asleep in my arms and it was so hard to move you to the couch because I know it probably won't happen again. I tried to enjoy it as long as I could, but I knew you would sleep better (and longer) if I moved you, but I still stayed beside you.