Sunday, February 18, 2018

Elijah is 4


Your toddler days are gone, and I miss my 3 year old already.  You have let everyone know that you are now 4.  I am so thankful that since you were a baby, that smile of yours has not changed. It is so contagious and brightens up many of my days. This past year you have become very eager. You enjoy trying and learning new things, and you are so teachable. Daddy has thoroughly enjoyed teaching you how to swim. You don't give up, and you love seeing your progress.  You really want to do swim team with Noah and Chloe this summer, so you are working really hard. It helps that Noah has gone ahead of you, and that you want to learn everything that he is doing.  Just a few days ago, Chloe asked you why you always copy Noah, to which you quickly responded, "because I like him, he's my brother."  And just like Noah, you eat almost everything, and you enjoy it all! Right now you are really loving celery and peanut butter as your favorite snack. It delights me when you ask for veggies:)

You loved learning all your letters and pick up things quickly. You love to pray before meal times and love to pray for everything, so we usually have to wrap it up for you. You also LOVE to sing. Recently we were eating dinner and you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, and we heard your singing in the bathroom the whole time. (It was number 2). The door was left open so it echoed into the foyer while we ate. Your favorite songs to sing are, "He who is Mighty," "Jesus I come," and "He Will Hold Me Fast." You also ask me to play "Jesus loves me" for Gracie in the car, because you know she likes it and just can't tell us. Which by the way, you are very sweet to her. You are learning though, that she doesn't mean to destroy the things you work hard on making. Typically I try to fix it, and regardless you get sad and say, "thats not how it goes."  We know its hard to rebuild all your creativity.

You are very into Fire trucks, Paw Patrol, legos, and anything that Noah and Chloe do. Oh, and puzzles! You are already doing 100 piece ones. Lately you have enjoyed playing Candyland, Uno and Dominoes. I love our fleeting time together when its just you and me. You still love to snuggle and read books, and when I ask if you want to do anything you say "Oooookay..."   One morning I was tidying up in Chloe's room, you followed me in and hopped on her bed. Then you reached up to open her curtains, and as the sun broke through shouted, "Glory to God and peace by earth!" You are so precious and so delightful.  It is our hope and prayer that your life would be one that glorifies God, and we are thrilled that we get to have you as our son.  Happy birthday sweet boy. We love you!

Mom & Dad

 I have this same picture of Noah reaching out to Chloe to comfort her, and now you comfort Grace.
Seed butter and jelly dipped in butternut squash soup. Sorry I didn't have time to make you a grilled cheese, but this is was what you requested.
 big helper

This picture is one of my favorites. Chloe made you the birthday crown and you loved it. Noah and her have prepared your present from a couple weeks ago and have spent HOURS writing you sweet cards and collecting random things that they found around the house they thought you would re-enjoy such as a bouncy balls, fidget spinner, stickers, crafts they made, and other things you now treasure. 
Birthday party with just the family and then with your buddies...