Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Noah is 8


I (and Dad) am so amazed at how much you've grown in the past year. And yes, I am actually talking about your height. I'm not ready for your face to be at my eye level, but you are quickly getting there. It makes me sad you are getting so big, but I love that you still love to curl up next to me and have me scratch your back. Teta got you a backscratcher for your birthday and you love it! Now I need one for everyone else in the family. You are still a Star Wars fanatic, and you still enjoy playing and building endless things with your legos. I love to see all your creativity in that. You are excited to be playing basketball again, and you are doing really well playing the piano.  You are doing really well in school and have become more confident in the work that you do. Once you pick things up you run with it. And speaking of confidence, you are working hard on your dance moves. It drives us crazy, but dad and I will often go and check on you after 15 minutes of you being" in the shower" only to find a steaming bathroom and a half naked boy dancing in front of the mirror. Your sense of humor is on the rise too. I'm not sure if you know how funny you are. Your teacher just told me you had a very"sophisticated sense of humor". Hmm I'm not sure where you get that from!

You are really a joy to be with, and your friends love you because you are a sweet and considerate friend. This year you earned an award at school for being the child who most exemplified serving others in your class. We are really grateful for how you excel at this at home too. You love mowing the yard, and you respond immediately when I ask you to do things. You are very kind to Eli and Chloe. Eli loves doing big boy things with you. Everything he wants or likes is "like Noahs" and the thrill on his face when he inherits all your hand me downs! As for Gracie, it is very evident that she adores you the most right now. You are so sweet and gentle with her and it is noticed by many. I love how you help me care for her and love her. Have I mentioned how sweet you are?!

Noah, we love that you are our oldest son. We love the blessing you've been to all of us. Our prayer is that you would live a life of serving the One who perfectly designed you and ordained all your days, and the one who loves you more than we ever will. May Jesus soften your heart and be glorified in the life you live. We love you a lot!

Love, Mom & Dad

A poem we wrote to share with your class on your birthday...
I'm glad to have another chocolate lover in the fam!