Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The things you say...

  We were all wrestling on the family room floor,  and Chloe got really scared at one point and started crying when daddy pretended to wrestle me. And daddy stopped immediately to comfort  her and assured her that daddy would never hurt mommy. And Noah chimed in with all seriousness and all wisdom, "Chloe, why would daddy hurt the person who cooks all our breakfast, lunches and dinners and folds all of our laundry?"

  I was telling Chloe we need to pray to Jesus to ask for patience.  With a smart look on her face, she responds, "Can't we just call God? Why doesn't he have a cell phone?"

And then there's Eli who will  periodically throw in a a big vocabulary word. There was quarreling over who was going to sit where for dinner, and Eli proudly responds, "Noah, Chloe, sit in your assigned seats!" 
Right now the big thing with Eli, is every time we leave or you have to go take a nap or pretty much anything, you always ask (and sometimes cry) "Can you go fast? I really like you! Can you set the timer?"

  You guys are all actually pretty hilarious. I really couldn't keep up with all the things that you say, but every once in a while I like to jot it down. I know there are many laughs to come...