Thursday, June 29, 2017

Gracie is 1!

Just yesterday, daddy looked at me and said, "Now, the fun begins." It's so true. We are really enjoying life with you and are starting to see more of your personality. You are so playful and love being included in everything. You are social but only with your family. You still scream and cry when a stranger approaches you and cling tightly to my sleeve.  You can just sit near your siblings and are content watching them. You love when I crawl and chase you and tickle you, and I love to see your big dimples. You love to sit and eat what we are eating. You actually observe everyones plates and refuse anything that doesn't look like what we're eating. You love being outside and going on walks. You are crawling everywhere, getting into things and tasting anything you find :) We definitely keep the area you play in clear of legos, but soon you will be building too. You are pretty determined and make your will known at times, but also still relaxed and easy going other times.

The past week you have been sick and not feeling great, and I have thoroughly enjoyed holding you every moment that I could and snuggling with you.  Every night either Dad or myself had to lay next to you to keep you comforted. It pained us to see you so uncomfortable. I love that you are small with lots of chub and so easy to cuddle with. I love how you love me and how quickly you stop crying when I hold you. People say you are like a light switch when I appear. You are a very sweet and pretty little girl, and we are looking forward to more giggles and snuggles with you. I am so grateful for your life and can't imagine it without you.

Happy first birthday, our dear little Grace! We all love you so much!

Mommy & Daddy

Those dimples!
I am so bummed it came out blurry, but I love your little face adoring your daddy, and he adores you too.