Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day!


I was going to write you a card, but I need to organize our card box right now and it's pretty full. Plus I thought it would be fun for the kids to read the things I appreciate most about you in this season...

In this past year most of my time and energy was committed to Gracie. And I was most grateful for the dad that you were to the kids during what felt like a mental absence combined with physical exhaustion.  So when I think about what I love about their daddy, here are a few things that come to mind....

how you include whoever is available in your errands just to spend time with them, 
how you teach them to bless me by cleaning the house and picking up flowers (and they do it joyfully), 
how you faithfully worked on Noah's memory verses and spelling words on the car ride to school, 
how you taught Chloe how to ride (and stop) her bike and respond to all her "tickle me! tickle me!" 
how you let Eli handle all your tools and let him help you fix things and mow with you,
how you work wonders and get Grace to sleep and eat when I can't!, 
how after days of travels you come home with more energy for us and are intentional with the time you have with the kids,
how you never tire of playing (competitive) games and wrestle with them,
how much you love to coach them in whatever sport they are learning, 
how you patiently train and instruct them when they are lacking self control,
how you tuck them in and pray for them at night,
how quickly you are humble to ask their forgiveness when you've sinned against them,
how you teach them to pray for each other,
how you model that reading Gods word is priority in your days,
And to sum it up, how you show them Jesus in your heart through all that you do for them!

You love them so much and pour all of your self into our family, and in this past year you often took on a part of my load to give me rest.  I often ask you, "Aren't you tired?" or "Where do you get the energy for all this?!" Your response is pretty much the same- "I love coming home and coming home to you guys."  I love hearing that. I am so grateful for the way you love us unconditionally and how joyful you are when it comes to serving your family. I love the leader that you are and the man that my boys have to model after. Happy Father's day!

I remember picking out this rug with extra padding, 8 years ago when we bought our home, for this reason! You've made all my dreams come true :)
Yummy Father's Day dinner at Vintage

Lots of love,