Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Festivities

Our church put on a Christmas play ...
 my Shepherd boy

 Oh if I could just hear Caleb sing Silent Night one more time. It brought me to tears.

Chloe had a lead part carrying the star in her little play at school
According to Chloe there are 2 Jesus'- one in Heaven and one baby Jesus in Chapel
 Eli's first Christmas - Did not want any help 
 much better
3 of my favorite gifts


For Christmas this year I thought we would take things easy and keep things simple.  At least I thought  I tried. Our advent calendar looked lovely on the tree and that's all that we did with that.   Danny actually ended up traveling quite a bit during the weeks before anyways, and our weekends were filled up with parties and events.  So we thought it would be fun to do one adventure as a family this month.  We picked up a pizza to eat in the car and headed to 34th Street in Baltimore.  We went during traffic, in the rain, 2 kids, 1 crying baby, 3 hours total and a memory created.  Maybe we missed something, but if I had known that it was only 20 town homes that were decorated we would have just circled around our neighborhood.  It was lovely, but the kids were impressed for about 1 minute and that was it.  Actually, if you ask them what their highlight was, it was eating pizza in the car.  On top of that I picked up a snack I don't normally buy as a treat for the kids.  They refused to eat it and said it was junk food. I didn't know if I should be upset or grateful.  After that disappointing evening I started feeling weak and achy.  I woke up the next morning, two days before Christmas, with the flu. It's a couple days after Christmas and I'm still in bed.  I made it downstairs to watch the kids open their gifts and eat a quick Christmas dinner, and that took a great deal of energy.  I don't know if my blood knows how to flow if I'm upright anymore.

So I laid in bed for hours upon hours doing what I do best, think and over think. What happened with taking things easy? What does the Lord want me to gain from this?  I felt bad that the kids were "missing out" on Christmas.  I can already see that that they actually didn't miss out on anything.   Our two important traditions were kept.  Danny read the Christmas story with the kids and I was so encouraged to hear Noah understand the story of how and why Jesus came to earth.  I also had made birthday muffins earlier in the week and we sang happy birthday to Jesus, and thanked him for coming to save us.  The kids were really excited about that. And while we didn't get to go to Mom-moms and Grandpas for Christmas Eve, Danny made the evening exceptional. He picked up some icing and built gingerbread houses with the kids using random items we had laying around the house. (Thanks to Ms. Ally for her culinary expertise). Christmas day, the kids got to spend ample time playing with Auntie Susan and have her build legos with them, and Chloe wanted her to tuck her into bed :) They had a sweet time with my sister who we don't get to see often. So those were just some added blessings!

While I would rather not be sick on Christmas and would have loved to be with the rest of the family, I trust the Lord has only good purposed in all our circumstances.  He has faithfully cared for me through this week, healing me physically, and mentally guarding my heart against self pity and bringing me back to his word.  I was very aware of how in my distress my concern was for worldly matters. The Lord took care of those things and blessed us beyond.  My friend Lauren sent this to me that week, and this was so true for me in those difficult moments...

"....And this is what God does again and again. He may be doing it for you in this Advent season—graciously and tenderly frustrating you with life that is not centered on Christ and filling you with longings and desires that can’t find their satisfaction in what this world offers, but only in the God-man.
What a Christmas gift that might be! Let all your frustrations with this world throw you onto the Word of God. It will become sweet—like walking into paradise. "

And from Hebrews,

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Noah


I wish I could freeze the time because you are growing way too fast for me. You are gaining inches (in height) by the minute! This year you became a big brother to Eli, who adores you so much.  He laughs hard when you play with him and just the sight of you makes him smile. Chloe has accompanied you to school this year, and the teachers always tell me that you look after her on the playground.  She wants to learn all her upper case and lower case letters like  you.  You continue to be a quick learner.  You are now learning to write all your letters and are starting to sound out some words.  You outgrew your 48 piece puzzles too quickly and I need to get you some more challenging ones.  You love to build freely with legos and blocks and you have made some really creative airplanes and spaceships on your own.  You love to play outdoors whenever  possible and you are very into Disney's Planes (a little too much). To mommy and daddy, you have become a genuinely caring son who loves to offer a helping hand with out being asked.  Recently,  I  had to leave Eli crying in the high chair while attending to Chloe upstairs.  I was scrambling to get back to him because it's stressful to hear my babies cry.  After a very short period he was quiet and then I heard him laughing hysterically over and over.  I came downstairs and you had turned his high chair around and moved it towards the family room so he could watch you perform on the bouncy ball.  My goodness, what a sweet and compassionate little son we have!  So many of your friends are so drawn to you and love playing with you.  I have to sometimes cut into your room time so I can get some special time with you. I love to play tumbling towers and the matching game with you.  I still try to cradle you in my lap while I can, and sometimes I still try to carry you up the stairs because I don't want those days to be over.  Daddy is thoroughly enjoying his time with you especially now that you have taken an interest in his favorite sport, volleyball. You guys recently build your first legos together.  Anytime you ask to go with Daddy somewhere, you know he's going to say yes, because it brings him much joy that you always want to be with him and do whatever he's doing.  Noah, we love you so much and as much as I want to go back and replay the past 5 years, you give us so much to look forward to.  We are so grateful that you are a part of our family. Happy Birthday, our precious son!

Mommy & Daddy

 the anticipation of the balloons dropping

 lining up for the pinata
 so cute
 so confused

Saturday, November 29, 2014

school days

I love that Chloe went to school this year.  She loves to get ready in the morning on the days she gets to go.  I love hearing both of them talk about their friends, what happened on the playground when they were together, and watch them compare their goody bags after holiday parties. This one particular morning they helped each other get ready and their voices were filled with excitement. They were chatting as Noah helped Chloe get her boots on for the first time. I wish I could freeze time sometimes.

online shopping...

can be a fun thing...
It's the returning part I dread. But we get to keep all the boxes :)

Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy


I am so blessed for unknown reasons why God selected you to be my husband.  Today I feel so undeserved for the love you have shown me and our family.  This past year you have poured out your life in caring for me during our transition to 3, pointing me to truth through your prayers and your emails.  You have spent countless hours taking on my load. You do it joyfully and without one complaint. You come home ready to serve and care for our children. They love you so much and now genuinely miss you when you are gone.  They love playing with you and being taught by you. They get excited about the things you are excited about.  It brings me much joy to see their excitement in wanting to read their Bible stories with you and doing the "yellow book" of questions with you at dinner.  They model where you sit and read your Bible.  This is the foundation for why you are the way you are, and I am so grateful that the Lord saved you.  The love of Christ shines through all that you do and you are a daily reminder exemplifying the living sacrifice God has called us to be. I love you so much and hope the Lord wills me to celebrate many more birthdays with you!

 proudly painting for daddy
mini celebration
special celebration

Friday, November 7, 2014


Tough days come and go,  and sometimes they come and linger for a while.  It's hard to believe that I am being effective in caring for my children when I feel I am struggling to breathe.  I have whispered, and very often shouted my cries to the Lord for help.  I know these rough times make for good training opportunities and this past week I was able to see that.  I gave the kids cheese sticks for lunch, and Noah so kindly offered to help Chloe open hers.  He really takes pride in all the little things he can do for himself these days. Well after a couples seconds of grunting and clenching his teeth, I hear him shout, "God, give me grace for this cheese stick!!"

school pics

So grown...

 The photographer tried so hard to make her smile

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Our fall...

I just love the view from our kitchen
 walked into the foyer and found her in these
We do extra bath times on cold rainy days

soccer practice with best buddies

 Daddy's work party...
 "Linkedin" and Tigger

 social media gals

these BFF's make me laugh
An up close of the unbelievably adorable Rohwer's 
 Gaver Farm with the Sutton's...
I love Eli's belly hangin out

our favorite part: apple cider donuts
I just love all his curious & happy faces...

 Scavenger hunt with the Averill's...

Still getting into trouble...
 Lots of time playing with Tayta...
 Preschool parties...
 my Princess Belle
 who let me do her hair!!! 
(Another thing I looked forward to after I found out I was having a girl).

 Lightening McQueen for the 3rd year in the row! (Per his request)

And we ended October trick or treating at our favorite neighbors house (and an ER visit for Noah with croup)...
 Sweet boy, Jason, couldn't be depicted any better