Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Noah


I wish I could freeze the time because you are growing way too fast for me. You are gaining inches (in height) by the minute! This year you became a big brother to Eli, who adores you so much.  He laughs hard when you play with him and just the sight of you makes him smile. Chloe has accompanied you to school this year, and the teachers always tell me that you look after her on the playground.  She wants to learn all her upper case and lower case letters like  you.  You continue to be a quick learner.  You are now learning to write all your letters and are starting to sound out some words.  You outgrew your 48 piece puzzles too quickly and I need to get you some more challenging ones.  You love to build freely with legos and blocks and you have made some really creative airplanes and spaceships on your own.  You love to play outdoors whenever  possible and you are very into Disney's Planes (a little too much). To mommy and daddy, you have become a genuinely caring son who loves to offer a helping hand with out being asked.  Recently,  I  had to leave Eli crying in the high chair while attending to Chloe upstairs.  I was scrambling to get back to him because it's stressful to hear my babies cry.  After a very short period he was quiet and then I heard him laughing hysterically over and over.  I came downstairs and you had turned his high chair around and moved it towards the family room so he could watch you perform on the bouncy ball.  My goodness, what a sweet and compassionate little son we have!  So many of your friends are so drawn to you and love playing with you.  I have to sometimes cut into your room time so I can get some special time with you. I love to play tumbling towers and the matching game with you.  I still try to cradle you in my lap while I can, and sometimes I still try to carry you up the stairs because I don't want those days to be over.  Daddy is thoroughly enjoying his time with you especially now that you have taken an interest in his favorite sport, volleyball. You guys recently build your first legos together.  Anytime you ask to go with Daddy somewhere, you know he's going to say yes, because it brings him much joy that you always want to be with him and do whatever he's doing.  Noah, we love you so much and as much as I want to go back and replay the past 5 years, you give us so much to look forward to.  We are so grateful that you are a part of our family. Happy Birthday, our precious son!

Mommy & Daddy

 the anticipation of the balloons dropping

 lining up for the pinata
 so cute
 so confused