Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Sutton's at the OBX

This past week the entire Sutton family went the OBX for the week.  This was the first time we were all together in the same home, and probably not the last.  It was so much fun! There was ghost crab hunting, a bonfire & s'mores on the beach,  driving on the beach to see the wild horses, and a workout climbing 200 + stairs to the top of a lighthouse, and of course Corn Hole :)  The rest of time was spent relaxing at the pool/ hot tub and the beach.
We enjoyed the time spent with the siblings and Noah had a blast playing with all his cousins.  We would put him down by 1 and then try to pry his eyes open at 4.  One time we got him up, and he fell back asleep on our bed while we were getting ready for dinner.  Noah had 2 questions the entire week-  "whe's Cole?"  and "whe's Fia?"  He loves all his cousins, but those 2 had to be accounted for through out the week. (Those are the names he pronouncs best). Chloe had a great time at the beach and pool. We played a lot of fun games, and for the record, I stayed up until midnight a few times! It was a great time and we look forward to the next time we can make it happen again.

 (For those considering the minivan, this is an SUV with 2 kids)