Thursday, June 21, 2012

Noah & Chloe


It's hard to believe you are 2 1/2 already. What a sweet and gentle spirit you have. You just started saying "I love you," and it melts my heart every time. You love to talk now. Today you told me, "cose the door, Chowee's seeping." You love your little sister. I just have to set her down and you bring all her toys to her. You know how to make her laugh (really laugh) and she adores you. She always looks for you when she hears your voice. You have a love for the outside world. I'm trying to get as much done before you wake up, because the first things you say to me in the morning, is "whey's Daddy? and "play outside?" It's a challenge sometimes to get you to eat breakfast because you just want to push your lawnmower outside. I love how you say "HIIII!!!" to all our neighbors. You are so friendly. When we leave people's homes, you give everyone hugs without us telling you to. Your Daddy has taught you well.

Tayta bought you a toy guitar because you love music and the CLC band. You stand in front of Chloe, and tap your little foot, and do the hand motions as you sing, "This is the Day the Lord has made," over and over and over again. She responds by clapping :) Your guitar and your mower are definitely your favorite toys now. Then there's your love for Daddy. Man, you love to do everything just like him. You wear your hat backwards, you pretend to turn on the lawn mower like he does, and you put your feet up on the couch with a blanket and the remote like he does to watch the game :) You are a very quick learner. You love to unload the dishwasher and put the silverware in the drawer (and in the right spot)! You love to hold hands and "Amen" with us, and you love Bible reading with Daddy before bedtime. I am loving every minute with you. I miss my big baby, but I look forward to watching you grow in the coming years. I love you!


You are just about 9 months with the strong will of your Momma. You amaze me at how much personality and energy you have! You are all over the place. You roll around all over the family room. I have to hold ou down with 2 arms sometimes while I change your diaper. You love your jumper, and now you think everything is a jumper. On Sunday you nearly took down the high chair when I was feeding you. You were having so much fun jumping and rocking back in forth. You love to talk too and you love to be talked too. You can "talk" (scream) loud, very loud. You are so social and you love attention all the time. You give me the "you don't want to play with me?" look when I set you down, unless it's in the jumper. I love to talk and sing to you and see your dimple when you smile. I am so grateful for an older brother who loves to entertain you. You clap your hands for him when he sings and when the music comes on.

You have 6 teeth and you would rather eat your shoes and paper of all sorts than anything I make. You are very determined to get anything you reach for, and oh how happy you are when you get it. You love bath time with Noah. You get so excited. You've come close to getting a concussion in the tub, and therefore it takes 2 to bathe you. You are such a happy baby. I love to get you when you wake up. I walk through the door and stop. I see you on your belly with your little head trying to look over the crib to see me. And that smile I get makes up for all your feisty-ness. You are so lovable and so much fun and I look forward to getting to know you more. I love you!