Monday, February 18, 2019

Eli turned 5


I honestly can say this one is a hard one. This past year has been a big year, and this coming fall you will be headed to kindergarten.  You lost your training wheels last summer, you played your first sport, and this year you will be on the swim team and learning how to read. Seeing my sweet little baby transform into a grown boy makes me so sad I won't get that time back. There is something about your little years I don't want to let go of. You are so sweet and affectionate. I pulled out the other day in 8 degree weather and you ran out to give me a hug and kiss goodbye. You love to curl up on the couch with me along with a book and a blanket. Your just my little snuggle bug and now that Noah is almost my height, I'd like to keep you little. You hate being alone, but when you play by yourself, your dad and I love to hear your creativity. You are very focused and you use different voices and sound effects.  You are really into paw patrol, Ninjago, legos and anything Noah is doing. You LOVE your brother. I hope he will always be your best friend. You love learning about Jesus and watching Superbooks. We pray that the story of Jesus will soon one day draw your heart to him.

This is your last year being at home with me, and you love to help with anything I'm doing. Actually just yesterday you chopped all the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers for our salad. Also, because we share a love for olives, we can now order pizza with black olives on it for us:) You love learning, and we have been working some on reading. You and Gracie fight a lot, but it’s mainly because she’s still trying to understand what you want and how to play. And once you guys figure it out, your best buddies and she adores you. She cries for you very often when you leave for school. I have a picture of her crying at the window for you. She once screamed all the way to Wegmans and while I was shopping until she fell asleep, all for her E-I. You are a very sensitive and a loving kid. Your eyes still twinkle when you smile and you already lost a tooth! We are so grateful for the son and brother that you are. We love you so much kiddo!

Love, Mom & Dad

We got to celebrate early with Grandpa. Unfortunately you woke up puking on your birthday and we are still trying to get over a stomach bug after 3 weeks. You've responded really well and are eagerly anticipating you birthday dinner once we are all better.