Thursday, March 23, 2017


"The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, indeed I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken." -Psalm 16:6-8

This season has been far from easy, but the Lord has positioned me where I need to be fully dependent and aware of my need for him for EVERYTHING. I am a weak and weary mother in desperate need of God's grace.  It's a fight to believe sometimes that my limits and boundaries are "pleasant" as the psalm says. Often times I struggle with being a mom. I struggle with the way I look, with always feeling depleted, with feeling inadequate, and with being in a season where everything I do feels so repetitive and mundane. I never knew how sacrificial mommy-ing would be and how hard it is to fight for joy in the midst of pouring out your life even if it's on those you love. I can't imagine doing this without knowing the God who poured out his life for me. It is his care and love for me that strengthens me and enables me to care for you. I never knew how we would make it this far but his hand has been faithfully guiding, always helping me to fix my mind on him and his many promises.

And when my mind is set on the Lord, all things that are mundane have purpose, all the repetitiveness become perpetual blessings, all my inadequacy seems sufficient if I am in Christ, and all the depletion is filled with the truth that he will make all grace abound to me to do His work.  And as far as not looking my best, having my soul happy in the Lord is what I want people to really see. I am looking forward to the days to come.  The more I get older the more of Christ I have to look back up on.

Some recently favorite moments:

An attempted Christmas picture (taken 2 weeks after Christmas to be honest)
Danny and I had to miss his work trip to Mexico. Instead we took the kids to a surprise family trip to Great Wold Lodge and celebrated El's birthday. It was a very memorable time. We had so much fun as a family together and everyone had a good time. Eli was fearless and did anything he was allowed to do.
i just love her

Noah had his first season of basketball, (with the amazing coach daddy:). He scored 2 shots his last game, and I just love how he immediately looks at me to make sure i saw it.
 He also likes to show people how he "dabs."
I love the seeing the sunrise outside the kitchen window in the morning. I stopped the kids from eating breakfast to let them see a glimpse of God's glory. Chloe really likes his artwork :) One time Noah came yelling inside as I was preparing dinner and told me to hurry outside. He led me to the porch and wanted to show me a beautiful sunset just because he knows I love to see it. 
crazy hair day
that smile
breakfast date with mom

one of my favorite valentines
big girl food