Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Grace is 8 months


You are 8 months and I am absolutely adoring you. Things are starting to settle down some, and you are getting much easier to care for.  It helped that you said "mama" by 7 months :) You are rolling over (only if you really have to) and giggling a ton. You love your siblings and often greet them with lots of squealing and a wave. I love to greet you after your naps by singing as I slowly walk in to your room. I see you grin with anticipation as I do, and once you see me the giggling and kicking begins. You are starting to realize that food is yummy, and that the food we eat is yummier than yours. You refuse anything in a pouch and scream for what we are eating. The second I bring it to your lips you open wide. You love my chicken noodle soup :) You are beginning my favorite stage of the baby years, and I am really enjoying every moment with you before it flies by. I actually wanted to blog earlier, but I had a chance to rock you as you were sleeping and I had a hard time putting you down. You are still chunky all over and I just love to kiss and snuggle with you.  I love you!