Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Funny sayings

Danny & Noah were reading the Bible on the couch and this is what I overheard...
Danny: Noah, do you remember who that is? (pointing to one of the characters)
Noah with full excitement: That's John the bagel!

Noah, you love your Bible and you love your bagels :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

my man & your dad

I know I blog about Daddy sometimes on birthdays, father's day & anniversaries, but I just want you to know that I don't scramble for words on those days, and my heart truly overflows with love for him on a daily basis.  I am always blessed on mornings such as today. Daddy traveled this week for work and sat in an airport yesterday evening waiting for a flight as they were being cancelled & delayed.  He arrived home at 2 in the morning.  Yet, this morning he woke up with you guys (so I could sleep), got you dressed, fed you & played with you for an hour before going to work.   It was so cute.  He played tag with Noah and then he had you both on him for a horse ride.  This selflessness & strength doesn't come from dad, it comes from the Lord.  He has poured out his grace on daddy's life, and we get to be the recipients of his selfless and sacrificial love. This wasn't a one time thing.  It seriously is every day that he puts mommy and you kiddos first. The only time he has asked for time to himself is when he's sick. 

Love,  I am so unbelievably grateful that I get to be your wife. You left me in awe this morning- that God would bless me with you as a husband, and us together as his children.  Thank you for the way you ended this crazy week, reminding me of the grace & love of Jesus.  I love you!

Monday, February 18, 2013


We are doing well but I've definitely have had some sad days.  I've been distracted with the rounds of sicknesses in our family the past 2 week.  I am counting the days to the spring, but at the same time trying to make the most of the time we have with our 2 not-so little ones. Noah & Chloe have grown so much in the past few weeks.  We are just loving this fleeting time we have with them.

Noah, you've outgrown your fall wardrobe.  I was told you would be slowing down, but you continue to get taller! You started pre-school and you absolutely love it.  I love all the crafts you make and the conversations we have on the way home from school.  The other day you showed me what you made and said, "Daddy's gonna love it!" And today we drove past the diggers and you said, "Let's go check it out mom!" Of course we did :)

Chloe, you are becoming more and more adventurous.  You can climb up to the top bunk and you get into everything.  The other day I found you dipping your crackers in the toilet and eating them.  you are talking so much and I love to hear your sweet voice.  You're now saying, "Tayta, Gido, nigh-nigh, happy, no-no-no (while pointing her finger), all done", and you say "poo-poo" when I sniff your diaper.  You really make us laugh.

It's crazy how much has happened in a couple months.  I just want to clone them and box them up for later. My dear husband was trying to serve me and accidentally deleted all my pictures from iphoto.  I am still in the retrieval process. Hopefully I can post some soon.