Thursday, January 13, 2011

a disturbing day

A few days ago, one of my worst fears became a reality. If it wasn't for my faithful friend and Hero, Hannah, I don't know where I would be. Here's what took place:

Hannah: Noah, what's in your mouth?
Me: I don't know, but one of these days I'm afraid it will be a stinkbug
Hannah: Oh my! It is a stinkbug!
Me: (with palpitations) screams and panics
Noah: cry
Hannah SO KINDLY removed the stink bug out of his mouth, and when Noah kept chewing, she proceeded to remove the other half. I'm still very much disturbed by it all. I will trust that the Lord would have granted special grace for me to take it out if she wasn't there, but I am so SO GRATEFUL she was. Noah was a little shakin by it all, and so I put him on his ride to make him happy, and then he had a little accident...

He never rides over the step! But it was a rough day for him. He's still so alarmed, that just about everytme I say his name with concern he just sticks out his tongue. So, to remove any unwanted images you have in your mind, here's some normal things Noah is getting in to...