Friday, September 1, 2023


I wish we could have taken you all there, but you all are perhaps too young to appreciate all its beauty. I was thankful we got this experience with Dad's new job. We took a red-eye in and hiked and explored literally on hardly any sleep in our short time there. The Cliffs of Moher, Giant's Causeway (best hike ever), the Titanic Museum, and viewing the Book of Kells all did not disappoint!! The Notre Dame and Navy football game, on the other hand, was a bit of a bummer since we were rooting for Navy and they got demolished. Regardless, it was still a blast to be there.

Cliffs of Moher
(Where Dumbledore and Harry went to destroy the Horcrux)

Giant's Causeway

not sure why but always been captivated with the story of the Titanic
Nortre Dame vs. Navy
Trinity College & the Book of Kells
A very artistic barista creating Dad's face in his coffee
I (fortunately) just got a pretty picture