Wednesday, September 11, 2019

First Day of School

The first day was was bittersweet, and the following week was a little harder saying goodbye to all of you when Grace officially started preschool. Noah and Chloe were excited to see there new friends. For Eli, it was a hard transition as his best buddy moved away, and he was nervous about making new friends and starting school.  Each time I dropped you off, you came running back for just one more hug. There were a lot of tears and hugs, but you were so brave and faced the the day courageously! And now you want to be dropped off with your older siblings at the drop off, and say "Mom, you don't have to drop me off anymore."  I'm crushed, but I'm so proud of you. 

Grace on the other hand wails her way through preschool but we hopefully will turn a corner soon. Its hard, but I believe you are enjoying it. I hear you pretending to be Ms. Ellis and sing the songs you are learning on Chloe's guitar.