Sunday, June 30, 2019

Grace is 3


It seems like just yesterday I was shocked that I was having another baby. And now that baby has turned into the sweetest little girl.  You have been a loving little girl and the sweetest comfort that I needed. You have changed so much this past year.  I'm sure I've mentioned this elsewhere, but we were certain that you were going to look like me. You were born with black hair and very dark eyes, and now you have the blondest and lightest eyes in the family.  Your personality has changed too. The first 2 years you only wanted me, but now you are becoming more outgoing and friendly. Your best friend was Hadley who recently moved , and you loved to play with her. Anytime one of your siblings was going out somewhere, you would say "go to Haddy's house"? You are very sensitive, gentle and kind. You love to help me with the dishes and setting the table. You love to play with your baby and your stroller the most. You always give her a doctors check up, cuddle her and rock her to sleep.  You are also old enough that your siblings want to include you in the things they do. You are currently playing with your brothers in a fort you built together shouting "bad guy!" You also love to play with Chloe. You love her piggy back rides, and when she shares her chapstick and trinkets with you.

And finally, I kept pushing back the potty training, but this past spring you decided to do it yourself.  It was pretty impressive, and I hardly did anything. I pulled out the potty and that was it. Prior to that, Chloe had read the potty book to you, and you started reading it in your own words to yourself. It was so cute as if you were studying for an exam.  You kept it in your bed and would flip through it befere your nap times. You didn't even use it long because you wanted to use the big toilet like everyone else.  Our biggest battle was who wipes #2, but I think you are convinced now that I should do it.  Every morning I wake up to your sweet smile and hugs and I love every snuggle I get with you. I can still scoop you up in my arms and tickle and kiss you but Daddy and I are so aware you are outgrowing our arms quickly. Grace, we love you so much and are so happy to have you as a daughter and a sister in our family. Happy birthday precious girl!

Your first Easter egg hunt
You loved to sleep during worship at church. And perhaps dad does too...
This was cute. Dad fell asleep on the couch and you got your special bears and blanket for him to sleep with.
your favorite book
your bestie, Hadley
You love to hug and kiss goodnight.
sneaking your sister into bed
Wanting to be like Eli
You were teaching the babies how to kick the balloon

moving up to the bigger rides in Rehobeth
All you want to do at the park is swing
Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

baseball season, the Ironman & loving life in between

Eli wanted to play baseball for the first time most likely due to the fact that his best buddy, Owen, was doing it too. He ended up really enjoying the game and doing well. It wasn't as boring as anticipated, which is why we skipped it altogether with Noah. I got plenty of laughs watching kids run the bases in the opposite direction and seeing how creative they got with the dirt and their hats in the outfield.  Grace has taken an interest too. She pulled a Pringles container and a gatorade bottle out of our recycle and made her own T-Ball set. 

Daddy and Dave have spent several months training for a half Ironman which they just completed successfully, and Hannah and I did everything to maintain our sanity together during their training. I'm so proud of Dad as training took a lot of time, but he still made our family a priority. He did an incredible job balancing work and home life. In between all that we've been enjoying the Spring and soaking up a lot of time with the DeVries before their big move to Florida. Eli finished his last year of Preschool and our last baby is turning into a little girl. She'll be 3 in no time :(

Baseball season begins!
Enjoying final playdates

perhaps I'm stopping to suddenly
 There were a lot of naps this season

I think I missed Easter
So sweet how Eli has been teaching Grace
looking convicted
 no better place to camp out than by the front door
A Happy Mothers Day "gift" from Anthropologie. I just loved these flowers.  (Yes, It means I spent too much and probably ended up returning as much.)
Enjoyed my last season of having 2 littles at home 

 Off to Kindergarten in different states :(

We snuck off to the beach for a weekend...

while we lived out of our basement for a month during home renovations
 I just love living life with the Devries. I am so grateful for the many adventures we have had together and this one was just so much more enjoyable because we were with them. Here we go...

And Grace really showed us how she felt after 5 hours of waiting in the rain. I couldn't thank her enough for the perfect Christmas card photo.