Saturday, March 2, 2019

Basketball & Chloe’s new sport

Chloe decided to take a break from gymnastics, which she was really good at and try basketball. With dad as the coach and a fun team to learn with, she had a blast. Chloe, you may be little, but you are fierce!

Noah also had a great season with MUCH improvement. Lots of shots, rebounds, and most importantly confidence. Every picture I took came out blurry, but you had some great layups. I’m proud of you both! 

And I’m so grateful for your dad who loves to coach whatever sport you guys are playing. He loves spending that with you as your coach because he loves being with you whenever he can.  You guys don’t realize right now how blessed you are to have a dad that loves to teach you, play with you and equip you in all things, whether sports or just everyday life. He is so dedicated and always guards his precious time with you.