Friday, June 29, 2018

Grace is 2


Just in the past month, you have grown a significant amount. You have definitely made the transition from baby to toddler in no time.  You are trying to keep up with your siblings in everything. This morning while leaving Harris Teeter, Eli offered to carry a bag to the car and you insisted on carrying the other bag yourself.  It was a little too big for you, but you confidently wobbled your way to the car. You are very helpful around the house emptying out the dishwasher and putting dishes in the sink. You also bring me your diaper and wipes when you have a poop, so I think you will be ready for the next step in life here shortly.  As independent as you like to be, you still have this other side who wants to be with me. In almost anything you do, you want me to come with you, and you tug on my fingers saying, "Mama moove" or "Mama mere (come here)."  I always love holding you as you poke my face saying..."eye, eeaa, mow, and no".  Everything I tell you or ask you, you say "oh." You love the trampoline and your new water table, but most of all you love being with your siblings and being included by them. They think you are so cute and over to help care for you. You have the sweetest dimples when you smile and as wild as you are, you have sweet and calm side too.  I am so grateful to God for you in our family. You are an absolute joy. Happy 2nd birthday! We love you so very much!

 little helper
 partying with your best buddies

bagels and cream cheese in the car= bad idea
 first jimmy cone
 This was a common occurrence when you transitioned out of your crib to the toddler bed. Both dad and I have almost stepped on you because you sneak out and fall asleep in the hallway or as in this picture, in the entrance of our bedroom.