Sunday, February 21, 2016

Disney World

We did it. We took you guys on a long, fun, exciting and exhausting trip to Disney.  You all had so much fun and I think we hit your maximum potential for fun each day. Mom-Mom and Grandpa came with us, and since Tayta couldn't join us, she gladly took Eli for the week. We were so grateful! We started our trip with what I think was our highlight, breakfast at Cinderella's castle. Chloe met Cinderella immediately along with a few others princesses during our meal.  I don't think she knew how to react and we had to work on transforming her shocked face into a smiley one through out the trip. Noah's highlight was probably Hollywood studios where he encountered Darth Vader face to face and enjoyed the Star Wars adventures. Noah was fearless and rode every roller coaster at the parks and enjoyed the thrill. I wish I could have ridden too, but it was way too early for me to go into labor.  My favorite night was at Magic Kingdom where we all enjoyed the parade, castle show & fireworks. We also took a trip to Legoland, which I think would have been more fun had we not been in Disney for so long. I think you guys were simply pooped, but we made the most of it. And on our last evening there we celebrated Grnadpa's birthday at Olive Garden.  It was a great week, yet it was great to come home too. Eli was so excited to see us come home, and I wish I had captured the moment he saw Chloe & Noah on video. 

Oh and another highlight came after our breakfast at the castle:
Mom: Noah, so who's your favorite princess?
Noah: You are!


Kylo Ren unsuccessfully tried to talk Noah into going to the dark side 

Grandpa sitting on a bench made of 800 recycled milk gallons :)
Not many good guys for Noah to get pictured with :(

Happy 75th birthday Grandpa!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Elijah is 2


My sweet cuddly baby boy, you have brought so much love into our family. You have been the most snuggliest of all, and I love how you love me. Maybe it's because I thought you would be the last one,  so I held on to you a little longer. I love how when you wake up and call for me. When it's early I let you back into our bed, and you burry your head into my neck to the point of suffocation. You will have it no other way. I don't mind that it keeps me up, and I love to hear the sound of you breathing. You also had this period where you were so attached to me that you would get upset if I left for the bathroom without you. Now you ask for my "hand",  hold my pointer, and escort me to the bathroom.

You are talking so much and are picking up so much after "Nooowah" and "Wawee."  You do everything they do and follow after them and you fit right in-  legos, princesses, light sabers, trains and all.  However,  Noah doesn't like when you take his legos and throw them in the vents, and Chloe isn't too fond of you nibbling on her chapsticks.  Other than that they love to play with you and make you laugh. I love to hear you say, "E-I do it", "mommy(where) are you!" and you drive us crazy with the "bacuum."  At night you initiated mommy and daddy praying for you when we put you in your crib. It took me a while to understand what "pway!" meant.  Now you are faithful to remind us before our meals if we forgot to pway.  You are kind to say "mo pease" after anything you need, especially daddy's tickles. We LOVE your smile.  It is so contagious and you brighten up my days. You are a very loving child and generous with your hugs too.

You are learning so fast. I love how you say "owange", how you sing "hap birt day tooo you"  and your ABC's.  You are very determined to do the things you can't do and do not easily give up.  You love working along side daddy outside and helping me in the kitchen, especially when I make eggs.  You don't want to "just watch" and I have learned it's okay to lose a few eggs in the battle , (unless they are my pastured eggs). Right now we are all enjoying you as much as possible and love you so much.  I think you are in for a rude awakening when Grace arrives, but you will not be loved any less. I am actually sad to see you get older. These past 2 years have been memorable. The Lord poured out so much loving kindness over our family after our loss. We have gained so much through that trial.  Sometimes I fear the world you will grow up in, but our hope is not in anything in this world, but in Jesus. There is nothing more important or more necessary, and absolutey nothing more powerful than knowing who he is, why he made you and why you need him in your life.  I promise you will never find true love, joy, or peace in anything but in the one who made you.  Only he will ever satisfy you. We are praying that you all will live for Him and bring much glory to his name. He is so so so good, so faithful, and so worthy of all your trust and praise.

Happy Birthday Eli!

Mommy and Daddy

  1st "real" haircut
young Jedi
   always trying to put your feet up like mommy

 You had a blast being a part of Chloe's preschool party

                        your favorite gift came from our neighbor Ying, I hope you stop stealing theirs!

(party part 2)