Tuesday, January 26, 2016



I am so excited to be pulling out this little dress. I first saw it on your sweet cousin, Alexa, and your Aunt Valerie has loaned it to me for you to wear this coming summer when you arrive. We are so excited to be adding another girl to our family. Your sister, Chloe, is over the moon. She is already preparing for your arrival and putting aside the things she wants to share with you. She knew you were going to be a girl because we already have 2 boys. Your brother, Noah, would have been content with one sister, but he is warming up to another girl joyfully. They both share with the world that you are coming, and they call you "Gracie."  Eli has no clue who you are and I'm not sure how he will feel about sharing his momma with another child. I'm sure he will learn to love you...eventually. In the meantime, your dad and I think of you and wonder who you will look like and what you will be like. We are praying for your safe arrival and for you to stop making me so sick. You definitely have been my worst pregnancy, but I know you will be worth it! We love you so much already and look forward to you being a part of our lives. We are so grateful for you. 

Mommy & Daddy

P.S. Today  I felt you move for the first time :)