Saturday, December 19, 2015

Noah is 6


Today is your 6th birthday.  Recently someone asked me if I remembered the first moment I saw you. Of course I do.  I was so alarmed by how big you were I went into a serious state of shock.  However, I do remember them bringing you closer to me and looking at your face and thinking "his face is beautiful."  This past year you have grown a ton, not just a whole head in height, but your personality is slowly changing. You are still sweet and tender-hearted. You have on multiple occasions initiated buying flowers for me with dad when I've been sick. I absolutely love that. You are also becoming less shy and more confident in the things you do. You excelled in soccer this season and really enjoyed it.  You have learned how to read and write and really love school (and the lego table at school).  You are still the best of friends with Makenna and have made so many new friends at school. I really think the kids in your class are drawn to you because of your kindness.
You are becoming more responsible and doing chores around the house like taking out the trash and the recycle. You have set an outstanding example to Chloe and Eli of obeying the first time you are asked to do something, and we have seen them follow your lead.  Lately when I haven't been feeling well you initiated on your own cleaning and vacuming up your room and the entire first floor so "mommy doesn't have to do it." It's great to see you find ways on your own on how to bless others.  Chloe and Eli love playing with you.  Eli waits for you at the window when I tell him you are coming home from school. He loves when you wrestle with him and play light sabers with him.  You really make him laugh.
Next to your family, (I hope you love God more one day), but right now it's legos- all 20, 000 pieces and sets you have. I feel like our home has been conquered and defeated by them. Still, your life in our family has brought so much sweetness and joy to our lives. I love that your siblings have you as their older brother and love seeing how God designed you the way you are to be our oldest son. You are perfect for the job! We love you so much!

This year we had a low key birthday party with some of your buddies. It was 70 degrees in December so Daddy did some basketball and volleyball lessons with you guys and read some star wars.  It was a wonderful time for you guys.

so handsome :)