Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Chloe is 4


Today you turned 4. Today your earth was shattered at school when you learned that you were "only" turing 4 and everyone else in your class is turning 5.  I needed your teacher to help me console you. We were trying to explain to you that you were doing so well in school that we wanted to put you in with the bigger kids for just 1 year.  You eventually calmed down and a Chik Fil-a date with mommy and your first hair cut brightened up the rest of your day.  You just got two shots at the doctors office for your 4 year check up and you were a little out of control.  I was trying to tell you that the baby in the other room had to to get the shots too. Then when you saw the doctor, you asked her if she "shot" the baby.  The whole office was laughing. You love to learn and you are so teachable. You have mastered all your upper & lower case letters and the sounds they make, and you always want to go over them just to get some extra praise.  You have very nice handwriting too. You are very into coloring, painting and drawing and always try to redraw some of the things I make for you. You are very competitive at all you do especially the matching game which we play daily.  You love being a helper especially in the kitchen and you are still learning how to "help" me with Eli. Noah loves to play with you and Eli does too if he thinks he's safe :)  Chloe, you have a vibrant personality and bring so much life into our days. You are very talkative (and very loud). You get excited about things so easily and bring joy to all of us. We love you so much, and we can't imagine our lives with out having a daughter like you.

Mommy & Daddy  

I forgot to mention you're a sleeping beauty...
well, sometimes...:)