Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Outer Banks Pics

i just love this pic

bocce pros
Thanks to Mom-mom & Grandpa for this generous trip

so grateful he likes s'mores now
off to see the horses

ghost crabbing was definitely a highlight for all parties

Thanks to Aunt Stephanie & Aunt Valerie for all these pictures! Our family is so grateful for the time we had with each other. We look forward to doing it again, hopefully with Aunt Lisa's family next time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bethany 2015

We went to to Bethany for 10 days with our parents, and then the Averill's joined us for the second half.  It is such a blessing to have a place to go to every year and stay for free. Danny's parents have been so generous with their home.  The kiddos loved being with their grandparents and their friends. They loved being far in the ocean jumping the waves with Danny, even Eli! Noah and Chloe also rode their first wave into shore with daddy's help.  When the Averill's came we did a long afternoon on the beach and stayed through the evening and had pizza.  That was probably one of my highlights. Thanks to Annie who captured some precious moments...

 this trooper was sick the last few days

And our new tradition is stopping on our way home for a picnic lunch & ice cream at Vanderwende Farm Creamery, just to top off the trip...

I'm still alive...

This might be the longest I've gone without a post, but Chloe dumping water on my (now recycled) mac had a lot to do with that! But here I am with my new mac trying to keep the blog alive.  So much has happened and so much has been said! I know I will not capture it all, but I keep reminding myself that even the moments and memories here on earth are temporary. They are indeed wonderful blessings, and I love to look back at all these times, but what I have to look forward to will far surpass any of my favorite times here on earth :)

In the past 4 months:
We went on one last club trip with Dell to Mexico;
Dad started working from home and transitioned to a new job;
Dad went to Seattle for 2 weeks for job training (A very hard 2 weeks, but not to hard for the Lord, a very great and gracious sustainer.);
We went to the Outer Banks with most of the Suttons;
Daddy played some awesome volleyball at the Pottstown Rumble (He's still got it!)
Noah has learned how to swim, read and ride a bike without his training wheels;
Chloe has learned all her alphabet, is learning sounds and is loving pool time,
Eli started walking at 15 months, eating everything in sight, and has turned to a blonde. He is saying lots of words and repeats almost any sound or action Noah and Chloe make. I love how cheerful and social he is. Today we went to Costco and he was turning heads left and right. I had to disinfect him for all the hands that reached at him.
And I'm doing well these days. I love life with my 3 kids. I am feeling as close to normal as I probably will ever be.  I am loving the church we have become a part of, and in the past month our dear friends, the Kauflin's, have returned to MD to be a part of our church.  I am just trying to enjoy the summer and my time with the kids. Noah will be in school full time this coming year so I want to make the most of it. We are just enjoying the simple things in life :)

 Happy Father's Day
 Chloe had her first soccer season

 sleeping-in in our bed
 paddle boats at the rio

 first mommy-daughter date
 pre-K graduation
 packing for the outer banks, pictures to come!

 our first garden output 
 this looks like Noah 4 years ago

 pouring rain, but playing in Pottstown
 1st buzz

leaving the house sucessfully
 I never knew how much I would love having a porch

Danny's new inside rep

And this year for the 4th we celebrated on the 3rd with the Rohwer's & the Averill's. We took a train ride in Walkersville to see the fireworks. The kids had a great time and did a better job staying up than I did.
More good times with these guys to come...