Thursday, October 9, 2014

Chloe turns 3

Chloe, Chloe, Chloe,

I repeat your name several times a day to either get your attention or make sure you aren't getting into anything. You are a very busy person.  When the house is silent, something is up.  When it is not silent, it is because you are talking.  The other day we went to Tayta's house together.  It's a 45 minute car ride and I tried to time the longest time frame you went with out talking. It was barely a minute! You are so curious and you ask a million questions. "Why is that man walking that way?, What is on that truck?  Where are all the peoples going?"  And then there are the follow up questions, "What are they going to do there? Are they going to get a shot at the doctors?  And somewhere I want to include that the last word of all your statements and questions is a high pitched note.  You have so much energy and sometimes I feel we all feed off of it and sometimes we are just weighed down by it.  We started you in preschool a little early just to get you out of the house and interrogate someone new:) You really couldn't have been more ready. You love preschool.  You always greet your teachers with a question, "What is that? Why are you wearing that necklace?"  Oh and you love jewelry! You love to wear mommy's necklaces and then lose them. But back to school... You love circle time and a song we sing together, "My mother is a Baker".  You also love "Good and Gracious', and "Give me Self Control."  The other night you were singing yourself to sleep, "help me to be self-controlled." Mommy always needs to hear that song too!! You learned 2 memory verses this year, Romans 5:8 and Colossians 3:20.  You are also now participating in our "highs and lows" conversation at dinner time.  It's amazing how much a child transitions from 2 years to 3 years of age.  It make me sad that you are becoming a big girl.  You have become a big sister and love to take care of Eli.  You also look up to Noah and learn a lot from him.  You admire the things he gets to do, and always say thing like, "When I am tall like Noah, I can do that too!" You learned how to ride a bike like Noah this year too. This past year I painted your toes for the first time.  I hope to start having mommy dates with you soon.  Right now we get lots of special times when Noah is in school, and we typically play with play doh, puzzles and the matching game while we eat our veggie sticks. You have become such a good friend to Carly.  You use to scare her with your overbearing hugs and now you welcome her, and share with her, and wear heels and necklaces with her. You are quite the character and you always make us laugh.  This past weekend we went camping.  My biggest fear was that you were going to fall in the fire, and with your ER record, it was very likely.  Daddy and I always tell you what might happen if you get hurt because you are so fearless! So we introduced to you the reality of death.  Of course, it means nothing to you right now. At the campsite we set up some chairs for you to walk BEHIND, so you don't get to close to the fire. Well, one time you forgot and ran across the front, and shaking-ly said, "Daddy, I almost die."

Chloe, I could talk about you for hours, and daddy and I are so blessed that we get to hear and see these things firsthand.  We are so grateful to the Lord that you get to be our daughter.  Last night, I was talking with Annie about what our prayers are for our children.  My prayer is not that you would have all the things that the lies of this world will tell you that you need in order to be content and satisfied.  Our biggest prayer is that you would have a dramatic testimony.  A dramatic testimony, meaning the one where God pours out his grace and saves you at an early age.  We desire for you to know the God that mommy and daddy know, the God who is more real to me each day as we parent our 3 kids,  the God who has gives us wisdom in training you and is teaching us how to instruct you.  We have learned about his unconditional love, his patience, his forgiveness, and his grace. We want you to be happy in the Lord and be satisfied in what he has accomplished for you, on your behalf, on the cross.  We love you so much and happy 3 years old!