Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bethany Beach 2014

For the past couple years, it seems as if becoming sick upon arrival, is part of our yearly tradition to Bethany Beach. Our first weekend there all 3 kids were sick.  Eli's fever, we soon realized had to do with the fact that his 2 bottom teeth came in. I wasn't expecting that at 4 months! And as I write this his 2 upper teeth are coming in soon too! Chloe and Noah had their usual round of fevers and vomiting but once we got home after a long and sanctifying weekend, everyone was healed. When we we went on our week long trip, Danny's dad spiked a high fever and needed urgent care for chest pain he was having.  They had had to head home for IV antibiotics and a stent placement.  We were grateful he was doing better but bummed they couldn't be with us at the beach.  BUT, other than that we couldn't have asked for a better week with great weather and fun together as a family with my parents....

This is the only picture we got from the first time we went. It pretty much sums up the weekend though.

We stopped at the harbor to eat on the way there for the first time (and probably the last).
Eli did awesome and loved to sleep on the beach like the rest of us.

she still likes the taste of sand

Noah & Chloe actually did great boogie-boarding, so we thought we would get a head start on Eli.
Everyone is actually looking
kite flying was fun
waiting for fireworks, eating snacks
  and waiting for fireworks, working on balance on the walkway

mommy & Eli picture since birth??

last evening at the beach