Monday, June 9, 2014

Catching up

Time is flying by way too fast.  Transitioning into 3 kids got off to a good start and quickly got rough once we discovered Eli doesn't like to sleep as much as the rest of us do. His days and nights were mixed up for longer than I anticipated and I discovered how quickly your brain begins to malfunction when sleep deprived. Things have gotten much better and I hope to blog separately about this transition but won't be surprised if I don't get to it.

Eli, you're getting big so fast and I can't get enough of your chub and smiles.  I thought I wouldn't have much time for you since I'm caring for the other two, but that hasn't been the case. I feel I've spent ample time with you.  I hate putting you down. I love to cuddle with you and hold you as long as I can.  I loved the nights you slept in my arms and giggled at me when you should've been sleeping.  You gave me spurts of Gods gracious blessings in those difficult and long nights. I kiss you so much it scares you sometimes.  I had such a sweet time with you in Mexico. Daddy and I thought it would be time for us, but instead I released him to have man time with his buddies and I got extra one on one time snuggling with you in the sun by the pool.  It's the months after 3 months that I enjoy the most, and we just stepped into that phased. I love making you smile and " coo-ing" with you. You hate tummy time so much to that you already learned how to roll to your back.  So although you may have less pictures than the others it's because I am enjoying the moments I have with you instead.

Chloe, I need to record you talking these days.  I love how you accent certain words when you talk and how you speak and have the vocabulary of a normal adult.  You pick up things so quickly, typically after 1 time. I think you learned how to talk because you literally repeat everything Noah says, especially when you guys play.  We call you his echo :) You are so unbelievably mischievous and I would need another blog to write about the things you shouldn't be doing.   At Tayta's house you found some TUMS and helped yourself. When Tayta confronted you about it you responded with, "Tayta, put it up top so I can't reach it!" And one time I was in tears after a long morning, maybe the one after you dumped hot pink and yellow pain on the carpet,  and you tried to comfort me with a hug. Then you said, "Mommy? Does your tummy hurt?" You are teaching your brother your ways.  You and Noah got big chocolate bunnies for Easter and I hid them from you hoping you would forget. Well the next morning daddy and I woke up, (He went back to sleep on the couch after you guys got up), and we found you both under the table in the playroom having devoured then entire bunnies.  We laughed and felt nauseated at the same time.  About a week later I found Noah under there during his"quiet time" with a bag of m &m's. What influence you have! And let me not forget that you have had your 2nd trip to the ER. This time you split your head open after hitting the corner coffee table jumping off the couch :( On a sweeter note, you are super affectionate. You are into your 3 baby dolls and Eli might as well be your 4th.  You love to help mommy with him and you love to kiss and hold him.  I love going to put Eli in his pack n play, swing or carseat, and being greeted by your dolls all buckled in.  You are my sweet girl and I still love to hold you when I can and never deny your request to "just rock me for just 5 more minutes."

Noah, my Prince Charming, what a sweet and sensitive boy you continue to be.  You are such a good friend to those around you, and I love the big brother you are to Chloe &Eli. The other day she fell outside, and you carried her little hand to me, telling her "It's okay Chloe, you're going to be ok." And one time Eli was crying and I couldn't get to him. I looked on the monitor because he had eventually calmed down, and there you were standing on the bedrail holding the paci in his mouth.  And just yesterday I gave you a hug goodnight and told you that I loved you, and you responded with, "I love you, I love you to the moon and back." So you've pretty much dissolved my heart. I hope you get married one day, because I feel like the girl you marry will get the undeserved love and care I get from your daddy.  You lead Chloe into playing some fun games, sliding down the stairs in sleeping bags, racing to put PJ's on first and running back in forth through the upstairs, "running errands" as you say.  When Chloe sat on the potty for the first time, you grabbed the potty book and started "reading" it to her. Daddy and I totally forgot about that book too! It was so cute. This year you can bike the 1.3 mile loop that we do and you don't need any pushes on the hills. You really don't care too much for Eli yet.  You keep asking when he's going to start talking and walking so you can play with him.  Instead, you are very much into Disney's Cars and Planes so much that Chloe knows the characters even though she hasn't seen the movies.  You love to play with puzzles, Candyland, Trouble, and the matching game.  I think your memory is better than mine.  You ask so many questions as we read stories.  You have started asking questions about Jesus and Heaven and we pray that the Lord will open your heart to see and know the truth of God's saving grace.

You three have shown me the immeasurable kindness of the Lord, and I am so blessed when I hear you call me, "mommy."

 pinterest crafts
 too much snow
 Chloe wanted to sit on Noah's lap during a movie
 Noah potty training Chloe
 baths in the kitchen sink
 Home Depot outings
 Chloe willingly let me put a skirt on :) She refused to smile though :(
 At the Rio anytime it was over 50 degrees

 Costco Outings
 first pair of heels!
all dressed up for Easter Sunday
my 3 adopted children
 I guess I'm officially a soccer mom
Eli's first camping trip

 matchy-matchy Sunday
 fashion statement?
  ER visit #2
 you did so well and you loved to sing on the potty :)
 check ups
 buddy time
and this is how we all feel at the end of the day