Thursday, December 19, 2013

Noah turns 4


Today you turned 4 and this past year has been a year of much growth. Now that Chloe is older, you are learning what being a big brother really means. You started school. You played soccer, your your first sport.  And the most thing we've enjoyed is seeing how your heart has grown to be more loving and compassionate.  You love helping others and care for others without being told to.  You love to comfort kids younger than you (& make them laugh).  If I cough or sneeze, you ask me if I want water or need a tissue and bring it to me.  When Chloe cries, you hug her and tell her it's going to be okay. Last time we went out, Tayta told me you held her hand for 20 minutes trying to comfort her because she was crying when we left.  And when she was crying in the car the other day, you reached over and held her hand.  You spontaneously tell Daddy and I that you love us all the time, which we never tire of hearing.  You love initiating hugs and kisses with us, which Chloe has learned to do from watching you.  You always talk about all the the things you want to teach Eli to do.  You also have learned to encourage us all.  I love hearing, "Thanks for dinner mom," "Thanks for coming to my Christmas party," "Good job Chloe," or "Good, job dad!" You simply melt our hearts with your love and kindness.  What a sweet little boy you continue to be! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you this next year. We love you so much!

Love,  mom & dad

 Birthday Brunch
Donut Skewers made by Daddy

 They were a hit!
 craft time

final product-reindeer ornament
 Noah's new favorite treat in cake form :)
 the anticipation

nap time :)
soccer jacks for everyone

and a small glimpse of your heart :)