Sunday, April 21, 2013


Yesterday was my amazing wife's birthday and I blew it.  You would think that after being married for 4 and 1/2 years I would have this down by now but I don't.  What should have been a day that was filled with fun, laughter and encouragement was anything but that.  Honey - I'm so sorry.

I do want to say that I'm grateful that despite all of the ways that I screwed up your birthday, I'm glad we were still able to go out for dinner and enjoy each other's company (Devries - thanks again for watching our kiddos last minute).  Thank you for forgiving me last night.  Thank you for being patient with me even though it seems you often have to tell me the same thing numerous times before it sticks in my thick head.  Thank you for being humble and continuing to open your life to me and sharing your thoughts/concerns/observations/etc.

You spur me on to be more like Jesus.  You remind me of Him and how even though I mess up a lot He is always quick to forgive and slow to become angry.  I'm grateful that you're my wife and can't believe how quickly 4 and 1/2 years can go by. I LOVE YOU and am so glad to be your hubster.

all my love,