Sunday, September 30, 2012

VA Vineyards & Chloe's Birthday Party

Since we've been married we've been wanting to go wine tasting, but have been unable to due to pregnancies, nursing & newborns :) Since none of the 3 are currently an issue, Danny and I were able to enjoy the Day at the Hillsborough & Breaux Vineyards with our friends & wine tasting pro's, Eric & Kallie.  It was such a relaxing day and we couldn't have asked for better weather & company :)

And we had the family over for Chloe's 1st birthday...

 proud grandmothers

all this singing for me
 pinterest inspired pompom cake
 loves chocolate like her mama
Honored guests
cleaning crew

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Big 1


Here I am thinking of you on your birthday...
How you put large handfuls of spinach lasagna in your mouth, then in your eye, then in your hair and have no clue what an absolute mess you are
How I can't change you fast enough and have to put the diaper on as you crawl away
How you fell asleep in my arms last night for the first time since you were a newborn
How determined you are and how you climbed your first step after 5 minutes of trying
How quickly you can climb up the steps
How playful you are and your adorable laugh
How you love watching Noah and crawl after him
How you shout and squeal when you are happy
How you cry when you have to leave the tub
How much you love avocados and anything with a crunch to it
How you love the sand
How you crawl to my feet in hopes of me picking you up
How you sniffle back at me when I sniffle at you
How you say"mama" and "uh-oh"
How pretty your eyes are
How much you have made us love having a little girl
How I love holding you
How I'm going to miss these days tremendously!
Happy Birthday my sweet girl!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

4 Years & counting!

We celebrated our 4th year Anniversary a little late this year due to the crazy summer and a little girly who loves her mama too much.  Danny and I went out for dinner at Volt in Frederick.  We had special seats in the kitchen right in front of the chefs!  We ate a 21 course meal over 3 hours and went home hungry :)  I soon realized that the chef in front of us often cracked the celery macaroon and would have to start from scratch, so I worked some magic and became his garbage disposal for a short period :) Yummy! We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot.  

Thank you Danny for a wonderful evening and the best 4 years of my life! Thank you for loving me FAITHFULLY.  Thank you for the way you have been "washing me with the word" in your prayers and encouragements.  You have served my soul through those emails you write me in the morning or during your lunch hours.  You make me desire the truth more.   I am so grateful that we get to share the rest of our lives together here on earth and then through eternity!  I love you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


In August we did our annual trip to Bethany Beach with our parents.  We had a challenging-ly wonderful time. (At least we can say that now after coming home early with 2 sick kids).   Long story short we came home feeling like we really needed a vacation.

However, we were courageous enough to brave the beach again for Labor day weekend, this time with the Devries and their 2 girls.  It was called our "redemption weekend" and indeed it was redeemed.  Although, I think we owe the Devries a redemption weekend from redemption weekend.   The kids had a wonderful time playing on the beach, playing with each other, riding the rides at Funland, and just experiencing over- stimulation. Noah loved every minute digging in the sand, jumping in the ocean with Daddy, walking on the boardwalk, and doing it all with his best friend, Makenna by his side.  Grace abounded and they played so well together.  Chloe really loved sharing the baby pool and veggie straws with Kaelyn and crawling in the sand.  The first time we went she only wanted to eat the sand, handfuls at a time. As for the parents, we enjoyed nap times and bed times.  We enjoyed our times at the beach and several games of Settlers of Catan.  I think our highlight was when we all went into the ocean at the same time even with the little ones.

A special THANK YOU for Dave and Hannah for making that weekend possible and memorable.  There were sacrifices made during that weekend and we so appreciated your joyful hearts and your selflessness. You guys are a guaranteed good time.

And to conclude the summer, our garden was so successful thanks to my hard working hubster!  We've enjoyed an abundance of tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, carrots, green beans, peppers, and lots of herbs.  We have a watermelon growing too! Noah loves to water the garden and pick the veggies with Daddy.  He's more excited to eat them too.  He's growing up too fast and we're trying to keep up with his appetite.