Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day


Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I want you to know how much you mean to the kids and me. 

Chloe wants to thank you for the organic milk she drinks every 4 hours (she says it's always fresh), the opportunity to eat big people food so early in her life, all the Arabic nicknames you call her, the way you make her laugh, cleaning up all of her blowouts(and yes, she is aware she has more than the average girl) and just loving on her.  She loves you sooooo much and is looking forward to learning more and more things from mommy.

Noah wanted you to know that you're "DA BES"!  He wanted to thank you for always listening to him even though his topics of conversation center around lawnmowers, airplanes, tractors, lawnmowers, Cole, diggers, and even more lawnmowers.  He is grateful that you pray for him when he gets a booboo.  He loves all the yummy food you make, especially when you douse it with yogurt.  He has fond memories of watching "Diggers Live" up in Arora Hills, you reading him books and teaching him colors, shapes, numbers and all sorts of other fun things.  He is grateful that he gets to see mommy everyday and that you have given him a sister to play with. He loves you so much and one days hopes to marry a woman just like you.

So I've said it before and I'll say it AMAZE me.  I can't imagine life without you.  Thank you for sacrificing your professional career and taking on an even more challenging career as a homemaker.  I finally figured out why you're so tired these days.  It's because you're nursing, cleaning, changing diapers, cooking, washing clothes, running errands, meal planning, playing with kids, doctors visits, romancing me and about
 100+ other things.  Thank you for ALL that you do, especially the things that I'm probably not even aware of.  

I also wanted to thank you for the way that you have reminded me lately of where our true home is.  Matthew 6 says:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

You have provoked me to think more about our Savior and less about the "stuff" of this world.  As my helpmate, that's one of the best things you can do for me, and the kiddos.  I love you baby and pray that you realize how much the kids and I love and appreciate you.

danny, noah and chloe

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Camping May 2012

The first weekend of May came by so quickly.  We missed camping in October due to bad weather, and I think that was the first time in the Sutton history. We love to camp, well, for the most part.  Camping for 2 nights was definitely more challenging this year with a toddler and an infant.  And the fact that the stinkbugs have made it up north didn't make it very pleasurable.   I'm either getting old or becoming a little more high maintenance since sleeping on the ground was not very comfortable this time around.  And yup, there went my complaining heart.  Woe is me.  My dear husband cared for me one night as we were driving through the campsite trying to put our over stimulated kids to sleep.  I was trying to convince him we should drive home and try again next time.  I'm glad he didn't listen to me.  I was more aware of my inconveniences than of grace and more aware of me than of others.  We prayed together, and that night actually ended up not being so bad once we returned to the campsite. And so, I rewarded myself with an extra s'more :) It was still fun being with the family, watching the kids play, and eating lots of bacon with aunt Val.  (Not the healthiest weekend).  I will have to prepare my heart a little better for next time, and also hope that the smoke and fire won't bother Noah. Not many pics this year but not to my surprise:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chloe Dedicated


This past Sunday we dedicated you to the Lord.  We are so grateful that he has given you to us, but you ultimately belong to him.  And there is no one better to belong to. There is no other God like the one we serve.  You were born an imperfect child in need of a Savior.  Our God has sent his son, Jesus, to live the perfect life you will never live so that you can be made right with your Creator. We will be faithful to teach you what He has taught us and to instruct you according to His ways.  It is our prayer that the ways of this world would be foolish in your eyes, and you would find the everlasting joy of knowing Jesus as Lord over your life. We love you!