Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cherry Blossoms

Every year since we were dating, Danny and I have gone to see the Cherry Blossoms. Here we've been talking about traditions, and didn't realize we created one 5 years ago. This year was a sort-a -surprise trip for an early birthday gift. Hard to plan a surprise getaway with a 6 month old and hope you are serving your wife :) Anyway , it was a great time. What's not to like about a long walk along the water under the blossoms? It was perfect weather, prime time for the blossoms, and we went on a Thursday when it wasn't super crazy. We got a free night at the Marriott 2 blocks from the White House and indulged on free food:) So despite the fact that Danny does travel, he does bless me with his gold member rewards!
The following day we had an enjoyable and very long walk to lunch at We the Pizza and Good Stuff Eatery. We couldn't make up or minds, so we ordered from both and split it. We work well together. My husband did fail to inform me what the distance of the walk was, and I will admit my heart was full of complaints (as was my tummy). I was quickly convicted when we arrived to lunch, and Danny showed me his bleeding foot from breaking in the sandals for the summer. I didn't hear one complaint from him the entire 2 miles :( That lead us into good conversation - sin & my ungratefulness and the sweet conviction and grace of our Savior. Each time at the Cherry Blossoms has been memorable, so Lord willing, I look forward to next year!