Monday, December 31, 2012


December was such a fun and enjoyable month and we were able to spend so much time with family & friends.  Danny had a lot of time off from work and we had a lot of fun just hanging out as a family.  Also, Chloe started walking and saying "me, daddy, and Wa-wa (Noah) " and Noah potty trained in 2 days! :) 
We did our usual activities.  We put up the tree the day after Thanksgiving.  We made treats for the neighbors, and we did our annual Christmas cookies at Mom-mom and Grandpa's house. We had Christmas Eve dinner with Danny's family and Christmas day with my family.   

the only picture I took on Christmas day :(

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Noah turns 3

Today you turned 3.  This past year has been so enjoyable as you've learned to do so much.  We love to hear you talk in complete sentences and carry actual conversations with you.  We always giggle in between because you are using new words and you sound so cute.  You love to sing and dance and just be silly especially if Chloe is watching you.  You love your guitar and now you can sing several more songs.  We went to the library this past weekend and picked out several books with guitars in them so we could read together.  I love to read to you and sometimes you read to me because you know what's coming next. You absolutely love anything that has to do with tractors.  (We don't know if the ornament we got you will make it to the tree). You are so affectionate and you melt our hearts when you initiate hugs & kisses towards us all.  You are a happy kid and you love being with your friends & family.  You love to help me me bake and cook.  You have become so helpful in the house helping me unload the dishwasher and care for Chloe.  You love to do EVERYTHING daddy and simply enjoy being with him and running errands with him especially to Home Depot.  We just absolutely love you and are so happy we get to be your mommy & daddy.  Happy Birthday my sweet boy!

Happy weed wacking!
 best buddies

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Last week we took a cruise on Royal Caribbean to Mexico, Jamaica, & Haiti.   My parents have been wanting to go on a cruise, and we thought, why not now? So we did, and I think that will be our last cruise.  It was very difficult with the 2 kiddos, but the only people that would be willing to watch them for a week were on the cruise with us.  So with colds, mixed schedules, metro & airline delays, mom having an emergent food surgery the morning we left, and a room the size of my closet to house 4 people for the week.... it was fun? The ship was absolutely incredible, the shows were wonderful and the food was amazing, and the rest is history :)  Most importantly, the people we went for were blessed.  Here are pictures of the good times...

 no where to play in the room, but the closet
 The kids loved the pools with all the sprinklers
 Mom-mom &Grandpa at our favorite dining place
Danny surfing on the ship 

 our evening kidless 

 family picture before the Aqua show
my parents on their porch after arriving in Haiti

 Breakfast with the characters
 Chloe making friends

 Rock climbing (also on the ship)
And celebrating Daddy's birthday on the last day

Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Danny!

I was planning to surprise Danny with Redskins tickets, but he beat me to it.  So here we are at my first Redskins game :)


Thank you for always seeking to bless me even when it ruins my plans.  When I think of this past year, I think of how much you have enjoyed teaching and instructing Noah.  I love how he is excited about all the things you are excited about, from good landscaping to the Gospel. I loved watching him follow you with his little mower as you mowed the yard and how he holds the basketball like you do before he shoots.  He follows your every move.
Most importantly, I love how you patiently correct him and are teaching him that he needs Jesus to rescue him from his disobedience. I love how you are training him to read the Bible and trying to teach him about who Jesus is and why he needs him.  Thank you for planting these eternal seeds in our son's life.  I hope he grows into a man who loves his Savior, just like his Daddy.  We love you. Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October Finale

October was a busy month and ended with lots of fun...

 all grown up now
Noah yells out one day, "Look mom! I stand like the trash man!"
 S'mores with good friends, the Kauflins

Saturday morning at Home Depot
Noah's first game of cornhole
We saw a fairy princess
Trick or Treat'n with Nathan
and Noah's Piston Prize, Makenna

and give it up for Chloe and her new trick...

Yeah Chloe! 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I'm doing a poor job capturing all the things you are saying these day.  Ever since you started putting sentences together, you realized you love to talk.   I'll tell you something like, "Noah, we're going to church tomorrow," and you repeat to Daddy with much joy, "Dad, I going to church tomorrow!" -as if Daddy didn't hear me.  Tonight I gave you a hug an kiss goodnight and you ran off with Daddy to take you up.  And then you stopped and ran back to me saying, "Mommy, one more hug & kiss please!"  I love you so much.