Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Merry 2011 Christmas

This Christmas we were able to host both our families at our home. We didn't do a good job of taking pictures, but we got a couple families shots and then I was off to the kitchen! Noah got real gifts this year, and it was fun watching him open his airplane and remote control car from his grandparents. We celebrated Noah's birthday on Christmas day since the family was all together. Chloe enjoyed looking at the Christmas lights on our tree and just being her cute baby self. She's laughing and wiggling so much these days :)
It was a busy season for us with parties and get togethers, and we enjoyed every minute. We were so mindful of God's grace and goodness to us this year, and what a great way to end the year off with a holiday that explains it all. We are so grateful that Christmas for us is more than a season but a joyful reality that has transformed our lives forever. Our God has given us an eternal gift in sending our Savior, Jesus Christ, a gift we could never earn or ever deserve. Our Lord is worthy of our praise and adoration every day of the year.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A small crisis

Today Noah was playing with his birthday balloon, and managed to somehow detach the string from the balloon. "Mommy uh- oh, up, up!" I told him there was no way I could reach it, and he looked at me helpless. But then he thought he had great idea, and ran to the bathroom. He came back with his 8 inch stool...

Surprisingly he was unsuccessful, but mommy rescued the balloon with a broom and some duck tape :)

Noah, you keep us laughing. Today you also touched my heart once again. I gathered all the legos in front of me so we could play, but you moved all the legos away from me, sat in my lap and then drew the legos back to us. We had a good time building towers and knocking them over. I just love you!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Right now I'm watching you play independently. You are staying busy these days. You love playing with my measuring cups, my blender, and my hat. You love playing basketball and ping pong with daddy. You love to play with all your cars, trucks and airplanes. We look at your plane book almost hourly, and you love to point out every "ay-play." You love to look at "a-boat's" too. "Row your boat" has become your favorite song. You're learning how to say many things like "oh man," "he ya go," and "mommy, your the bus (best)." Daddy is teaching you to pray before all you meals and you're learning quite well. Your favorite books are Plane's, Diggers, Noah's ark (you love the "a-boat," and Good Night Moon since it has an "oh-fiy (fire)" on almost every page. You've learned how to do all your puzzles, and your often found on the couch looking through one of your books. Right now we are watching you play as you chat away. We smile and enjoy every moment. You love "Cho-wee" (Chloe)! We know this because you give her random hugs and kisses all the time.You make sure to return her burp cloth and blanket if you find it somewhere on the ground too. I know she appreciates that. You've become such a good helper and love to be involved in everything we do. The other day you were measuring the frames with the tape measurer before we hung them up. You like to grocery shop at Giant because they have a cart your size, and you like to push it as we drop the groceries in. You get lots of attention when we take you there. You are so adorable! You are very good at obeying us when we ask you to do things. You are learning how to share and you play kindly with those around you. You love for Mommy and Daddy to chase you around the house, and we love how you come up from behind us to give us hugs. We are such proud parents, you have brought a ridiculous amount of joy into our lives. We love you so much! What a precious gift from the Lord you are! Happy Birthday Buddy!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Sooner or later this blog might turn into our online photo album. I can't keep up with everything that is going on! Our days have been full as we're adapting to having two kids. The Lord has been kind, and really has doubled the amount of grace! As I look back at my days, there is no other explanation. My dad has been sick and has had a couple surgeries, so Teta wasn't here as much as we expected. Praise the Lord, he is slowly recovering and is doing better. Now Teta and Gido make it out here about once a week and spend the night when they come. They can't get enough of the kids. My mom takes them when they wake up so we get to sleep in :) We are blessed. Chloe has also been sleeping through the night which allows me to function more effectively :) I am really enjoying my time at home. Chloe is smiling and laughing a lot. Noah really loves his sister. He love's to play with her on the play mat and read her books on planes and diggers book. Danny has been working hard. This quarter was slow at work, but he has not slowed down at home. He is so patient with the kids, and loves teaching Noah how to do small tasks, and of course play ping pong. He is currently doing an exercise video with Noah, and I really should be video taping. Some highlighted photos...

Spiderman trick or treating with his best buddy, Makenna

Chloe learning to be loved
Smoothie time
Noah sometimes sleeps in Mommy's hat. I think it's officially yours buddy.

This picture was taken after I took the yogurt out, set it on the counter and went to the bathroom. Noah LOVES yogurt. I came back and found it on the floor with his spoon, and him saying, "uh-oh mommy, uh oh!"
The Sutton grandkids on our annual Christmas cookie making/decorating day

The melting of my heart