Friday, May 27, 2011

April/May Pics

post Butler's strawberry picking

one for me

one for gido
more Easter
St. Thomas (love the questionable prego state)
us at the world's most beautiful beach, Cinnamon Bay

and us with the world's cutest couple, Paul & Lauren :)

Camping pics to come!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I blog so my kids can look back one day and see some of our favorite adventures of our lives.
Kiddos- I hope you guys realize that with all the joys there have been times that have been not so joyful. Times of discouragement, testing of our faith, and just pure sanctification. Mom and Dad are sinners, (mom can be a very angry one), but the cross has not left us there. Our Savior has cleansed us of these sins and where sin has been present, grace has abounded! He has been faithful to help and uphold us. Because of the cross and the resurrection our hope has been secured and we have power to persevere and change our sinful hearts.

I love the series we've done at church on the resurrection and it's power. This song speaks great volume in my times of discouragement:

How do we know we’ve been forgiven?
How do we know that we’ve been made clean?
How do we know we’ll go to heaven?
How do we know we’ve been redeemed?

You have been raised, the tomb has been opened
Nothing can take away our hope in You
You have been raised, the work is completed
Hell and its powers have been defeated

Now we are free from condemnation
There is no judgment left for us to fear
We don’t have to wonder if we’re welcome
You are the One who’s brought us near

The price You paid for us
Has fully been accepted
Because of Your shed blood
We cannot be rejected

Monday, May 9, 2011


We've been waiting for this day since we found out we were pregnant. Today we found out that our long awaited Chloe will be joining the family. Boy names have been challenging for us to pick out, but Chloe was both one of our favorite girl name since we've been engaged. We got to see her face, her long arms and legs, and her feet today. I love our little girl, and I look forward to embracing her this fall. I'm having a little hard time with the fact that there will be pink stuff in our home, so she might look like a tomboy for a while :) In the meantime I am trying to enjoy my days with Noah. He loves to play with momma ALL the time. Fortunately the weather has been wonderful, and we've had many long walks and park time together. I've given up on our camera as the batteries die after one click. Once we have accumulated more Best Buy giftcards, I will have my Mother's day/Bday/Anniversary/ Christmas gift. Now I'm off to sort through lots of pink :)