Friday, February 16, 2024

Elijah. double digits


 You prefer Eli, but I'm still working on that. I really can't believe you are 10 and how much you have grown this past year. I am still glad that even at 10, "Mom, watch this" is your most common phrase. You love to create and bless others with the things you make. You want to show off all your basketball skills and your "Steph Curry" shots. At school, you are excelling, and make sure that I know that math is just too easy for you.  You are very creative and I love how you still engage with Grace and her many stuffies to entertain her. You are becoming more aggressive and also enjoy playing with Noah and his friends anytime you can. Sometimes there are tears, but overall you are rising up to the challenge of playing ball with the bigger and better, improving your own game. It was a rough season at Upward but you persevered through it and still had fun.  Dad always loves to coach you. I love that you still enjoy snuggling and reading with me. You have a big heart and our family has a very special place in it. I hope the Lord will continue to open your heart to see all His wondrous works for you! Happy 10th Birthday!

I was sick over our anniversary, and you and Grace created your own diner and bowling alley in our basement for Dad and I to enjoy. It was super sweet!

First Catch
big helper
Sick Christmas morning, but you made the most of it. The presents helped.
just being cute and knowing I hate you sucking on red40
always your best time
Upward c omes to a close, on to I270 for more 
First time flying
more of your creativity

Toronto, Canada
Niagra Falls 
ICE! National Harbor

Happy Birthday with our favorite Steak & Cheese

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Chloe is 12


As I was going through our pictures (which are decreasing in number each year) from this past year, it made me sad to see how your baby face is maturing into a young adult. Your smile is still bigger than ever, especially on the volleyball court. This year you decided to do away with basketball and focus on volleyball. I am so proud of your determination to get better, make it to the finals, and win! Now I still owe you a pair of Lululemon shorts:). I have enjoyed the time I have spent with you shopping, and I love how you still want my opinion. I hope it lasts for a little longer.  You have great taste too:) You've taken more of an interest in Grace this year, helping her do her hair and get pretty for school. You continue to excel academically and challenge any points you get deducted on your exams. I get frustrated with your perfectionism, but I'm laughing inside because I was the same way.  This last year before you're officially a teen will be bittersweet, but we are forever grateful for the fierce little girl we've had. We love you "to Heaven and back". -M& D

You played with Dad in a MENS DOUBLE tournament. Dad purposefully didn't inform you that you would be the only kid and girl there. You weren't overly intimidated and used it as a learning opportunity.  It was 90 degrees outside and you played the whole way through!

DUDE Perfect Show
So glad this project is over!

teaching Grace how to Roller Skate because her mom can't

Still making Baklava
When your best friendn becomes your opponent
Still your bestie from afar
What an exciting season it was!
Happy Birthday!

Friday, September 1, 2023


I wish we could have taken you all there, but you all are perhaps too young to appreciate all its beauty. I was thankful we got this experience with Dad's new job. We took a red-eye in and hiked and explored literally on hardly any sleep in our short time there. The Cliffs of Moher, Giant's Causeway (best hike ever), the Titanic Museum, and viewing the Book of Kells all did not disappoint!! The Notre Dame and Navy football game, on the other hand, was a bit of a bummer since we were rooting for Navy and they got demolished. Regardless, it was still a blast to be there.

Cliffs of Moher
(Where Dumbledore and Harry went to destroy the Horcrux)

Giant's Causeway

not sure why but always been captivated with the story of the Titanic
Nortre Dame vs. Navy
Trinity College & the Book of Kells
A very artistic barista creating Dad's face in his coffee
I (fortunately) just got a pretty picture

Friday, June 30, 2023

seven year old Grace


Officially a second grader now and really debating about bringing my mini homebody home for school! You excelled in first grade and you knew it. You were upset when your teacher didn't call on you anymore because "she said she knows I know all the answers."  You are so loving to our family and always write notes and cards for Dad and me and leave them on our pillows. You always greet us with a hug and initiate many random ones throughout our days. Like Elijah, your favorite playmates are your siblings and you love doing anything if it's with them.  You've been a faithful spectator at all their games and are really looking forward to finally being able to play basketball this coming fall! You are able to tackle our long bike rides without your training wheels and have had an excellent start to swim season.  You love to play mostly with your many stuffies and take turns sleeping with them each night. For your birthday you wanted a vet kit so you could care for them. You have brought so much love and warmth to our home and you melt all our hearts with your cuteness. We love you so much! Happy Birthday! 

Love, M & D

story book character day and crafting with dad

Gaver Farm
Love being your mommy
your favoirte summer chore
out for crepes. It did not disappoint!
He's going to miss you falling asleep almost every Sunday at church
DC bike tour with the Parnells
Dr. Sutton
squinty bday pals
You love getting cards as much as you love to give them