Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Chloe is 12


As I was going through our pictures (which are decreasing in number each year) from this past year, it made me sad to see how your baby face is maturing into a young adult. Your smile is still bigger than ever, especially on the volleyball court. This year you decided to do away with basketball and focus on volleyball. I am so proud of your determination to get better, make it to the finals, and win! Now I still owe you a pair of Lululemon shorts:). I have enjoyed the time I have spent with you shopping, and I love how you still want my opinion. I hope it lasts for a little longer.  You have great taste too:) You've taken more of an interest in Grace this year, helping her do her hair and get pretty for school. You continue to excel academically and challenge any points you get deducted on your exams. I get frustrated with your perfectionism, but I'm laughing inside because I was the same way.  This last year before you're officially a teen will be bittersweet, but we are forever grateful for the fierce little girl we've had. We love you "to Heaven and back". -M& D

You played with Dad in a MENS DOUBLE tournament. Dad purposefully didn't inform you that you would be the only kid and girl there. You weren't overly intimidated and used it as a learning opportunity.  It was 90 degrees outside and you played the whole way through!

DUDE Perfect Show
So glad this project is over!

teaching Grace how to Roller Skate because her mom can't

Still making Baklava
When your best friendn becomes your opponent
Still your bestie from afar
What an exciting season it was!
Happy Birthday!