Thursday, February 16, 2023

Elijah is 9


You still have your sweet smile that lights up the room.  It's hard to believe you are as big as you are. You love any challenge, and being a younger sibling you work extra hard to be the best (and better) at everything. You love to build a lot!! You have come up with really awesome Lego configurations and then try to make the next thing better.  You are proud of everything you accomplish and "Mom, Mom, watch this" or "Mom, do you want to see what I made" are your most common phrases. You love being outside and getting dirty whether it's playing sports or helping Dad in the garden. Regardless of what you are doing, being with your family is your favorite and you rarely turn down an opportunity to run an errand with me or Dad.  I love reading Harry Potter together and love that you still want to snuggle.  You are a sweet and compassionate kid and we love you much! Happy birthday!

First place for backstroke!
a "beach home" you helped build for us
You have built SO many different houses for Grace with her legos.
And you guys love to goof off a lot too
skiing. been there, done that.
best buds


Happy birthdays!