Thursday, November 3, 2022

11 year old Chloe


You finished elementary school with a bang! I think you earned every award Ms. Rohr had to offer, my favorite being the leadership award:) Despite middle school getting off to an overwhelming start for you, you handled it well.  The Hermione inside you was concerned she added too many details to her paper, but I just got your first report card and you pretty much have straight A+'s.  You are a perfectionist, but oftentimes put too much pressure on yourself. You are learning that your best is not always perfect, and that's OK!! We are proud of your hard work and diligence. This year you embraced your dad's favorite sport, volleyball. He loved coaching your team and watching you grow in a new sport. You are so helpful and creative when it comes to Elijah and Grace, and despite the many conflicts, everyone enjoys playing with you.  We know these coming years will offer new challenges, but hope to see you grow in love and dependence on the Lord as he faithfully guides you. We love you so much!
Like Father, like daughter is more like it in this family
You're getting so good 
getting more adventurous, and it was yummy salmon!
5th Grade Medieval Feast prep
The feast!
You subbed in for me at Grace's Mother's day tea
fishing with the fifth grade
Elementary years come to a close
First Volleyball season
This year you just wanted to go out with your bestie and get your first manicure. 
Happy Birthday!