Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Elijah turns 8

You are still smiling and still brightening up our days with it. This was an exciting year for you as you played your first year of basketball with dad as your coach! You are doing an amazing job and we enjoyed seeing more of the athlete in you in both basketball and swimming. One of my highlights has been working in your classroom. You are such a diligent and efficient student. You get so excited when Ms. Deibel asks a question that you know. The “ooohhhh!!!” with your hand shot high in the air made me giggle every time. Your most common phrase is "Mom, watch this," And you love to impress us with your lego creations, magic tricks and so much more. You are very sweet and affectionate, and I love all the little notes and pictures you make for me to use as bookmarks. We love you so much and soak up every snuggle we get with you!

You like to impress us with your Samson strength
You are an adventurous eater and love trying new foods, especially if it's spicy!
Gettysburg: Anything battle and artillery-related, you are there
Happy Birthday, E's!