Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Noah turns 12


You have passed me in height! I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten. It’s nice having more sweatshirts in my rotation:) You make me laugh a lot with your sarcastic sense of humor and successfully use it to get extra dessert sometimes. We are so grateful for the young man you are growing up to be. You are so responsible and helpful and such a blessing to have as our oldest. You are always looking for ways to serve me around the home and going above and beyond what I ask. You are a humble servant and we are excited to see you emulate the Savior in your life. Happy Birthday!

A year full of many blessings...

History Camp with friends you've known since infancy 
First day of school

Cross Counrty (& Basketball)
School Projects & Guitar Lessons
5th grade Medieval Feast
Happy Birthday!