Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chloe is in the double digits


You've been anticipating this day since you turned 9. Being in the double digits is a very exciting milestone for you. You get special privileges like staying up a little later, however, you run so hard you have no problems falling asleep earlier. You remain to be a very diligent and hardworking student. You are a little bookworm too. You flew through so many books this summer and I love how you enjoy different genres.  I shouldn't be surprised that when I suggested you give Harry Potter a second try, that you would finish those books in 2 days.  I have really enjoyed reading Anne of Green Gables with you but I think we are going to cut it short, as it is becoming too boring for both of us:) You are very helpful when it comes to caring for Grace and are quick to care for her. She really admires her big sister. You have a sweet way of coming down to her level and playing with her.  You are very nurturing and fun-loving when it comes to younger kids. You are just very creative and energetic. Dad is also very excited that you have taken an interest in Volleyball and your desire to try out for the ream next year. Whatever you do, you excel at it because you remain determined to succeed.  You are also doing so well in violin and I love to hear you play while you swing back and forth like a pro.  We had a great time celebrating you over the summer while the pool was still open. Your day was still special with your currently favorite meal, BLTs, and piercing your ears. We love you so much and are grateful for the joy you bring to our family!


Mom & Dad

You LOVE making yogurt parfaits 
Oh and you won the chess tournament!
sweet big sister you are...
whatever it takes to make them happy...

one of my favorite times...
and yours too

blocking dads shot
Pool Party
and banana bread :)
Happy Birthday beautiful!