Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Grace turns 5


What an amazing reminder you are of God's loving-kindness and grace to us.  You are the most loving and affectionate little girl. You love your family so much. You always initiate words and acts of kindness when you see the need and sometimes very randomly. On car rides or during family dinners, you will just announce, "I love you mommy, daddy, Noah, Chloe, and Eli." You rarely go a day without hugging me and telling me you love me.  You love being with your siblings and playing with them more than anything. When you are alone though, you play Doc McStuffins with all your stuffed animals, do ALL the puzzles ALL over the foyer and color, preferably with me.  You are very vocal when you play and I love hearing you talk and sing. You finished preschool this year which was so sad for me, but Ms. Ellis helped boost your confidence and you loved her so much. You are also learning to read! I will miss our morning time together in the car. After we drop off everyone, we have 20 minutes before preschool starts and that's when we talk and I braid your hair.  You always love your hair in two french braids. This summer you joined the kick-boarding team.  You're off to a great start, but you still want dad, Chloe, or Eli in the pool with you.  You definitely are the most attached child, but we don't mind as we know it will be short-lived. We all love the opportunity to snuggle you. Your warmth and dimply smile melt our hearts and we all love you so much! 


Mom & Dad

Beanie Boo"Adopt a Kitty" Birthday party at your request

proud dad and daughter
You and Eli woke up early and decided to watch me work out while you 2 snuggled. You guys are typically more creative, but it was very early. 
We will miss Ms. Ellis, but now you are a Kindergartener!

learning how to take selfies
Noah always happy to be your patient during his free time
You are now Chloe's sous-chef
Contently relaxing with your coloring books during church
When did you get this big??