Thursday, February 18, 2021

Elijah is 7


I think if I could have kept you small forever, I would have strongly considered. Your smiles and laughter have not ceased to melt our hearts.  You are so sweet and tender-hearted and you make my heart burst with all your love.  You love to draw me pictures with a pretty "mom" written somewhere on it or just draw sweet pictures of our family. You come home many times with these pictures and say "I have a surprise", then you proudly show me your artwork and say, "it's for you" with your smile stretching from ear to ear.  

You still love to pick me flowers. In fact, today you were disappointed that the dandelions you picked yesterday were dead, and on your date with dad, you brought me home some tulips from the store. You love to tell me you have a secret and instead of whispering in my ear, you give me a kiss. You are always the first one up, and your first agenda for the day is to snuggle in our bed before school, and sometimes we have time to read together. You are reading so well and I am enjoying plowing through the Magic Tree House series with you. You are very creative in your drawings and writing, but you still don't know it. 

This year you started swimming with Noah and Chloe, and I think you feel good about not being the one left behind. However, you give Grace plenty of love and attention when you are home. You are very nurturing towards her. At school, her speech therapist uses you to pull her out of class because you help comfort her tears and walk with your arm around her.  

You love others well and are loved much by others. We feel so blessed to have you as our sweet and snuggly and SEVEN-year-old son. May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and may that smile of yours turn into a genuine joy that results from knowing Jesus. Happy Birthday!



School has been rough after your 3 closest friends left. Your first playdate request was with a sweet girl named Anna and we went to the park. This is the card she wrote you for your birthday <3

Happy 7th to you and 80th to Grandpa!