Sunday, January 3, 2021

2020 part 2 in pictures

The pictures in this post are very Grace-heavy. I'm trying to make up for lost time. I love spending time with Grace doing preschool at home. I  enjoy listening to your creative play and all the cute things you say.  Grace came into the bathroom when I was putting on my eyeliner and says, "mom, you wear marker"? You randomly give me hugs and kisses and I've caught you singing many times a new song you wrote..."Mommy is the best mom eva in the wold, you are the best mom eva!" And after warning you not to use a knife by yourself, you sneakily cut an entire cucumber and with excitement shouted, "I did it, I didn't cut my finger off!" It's hard to believe you will be off to school this year:(

2020 was an interesting year as we were adjusting to living through a pandemic.  While counts were low over the summer, we were able to sneak away to the beach for a sweet and low key time. School has been very different, but we are so grateful that you are able to meet in-house.  There have been no parties or field trips, and while you guys don't like wearing masks or playing tag with pool noodles, you haven't complained much. Not having swim team, basketball or soccer has been sad too, but it's given us ample time to spend with our family and friends.  Chess club at school still continued so that was something new you guys are trying out.  There's been lots of reading, game playing, legos, puzzles, hikes, more reading, and getting together with a lot of our friends.  In the fall, we were still able to camp and have a fun visit with the Devries who ended up joining us for Thanksgiving. For Christmas, things were simple but we did some new things and made lego ornaments and salt-dough ornaments with the Kauflins.  Throughout these times, we have been so grateful for the Lord's protection and provision over our family. 

And as we enter a new year with a disturbed and confused world outside our walls, our hope can only be found in the One who controls and holds all things together. He has loved us with an everlasting love and his faithfulness to us continues.  He is worthy of all our trust. 

enjoying my last beach babe
Black Hills
Brookside with Teta

My favorite kind of evening :)
Cunningham Falls
Happy birthday dad!
glad we were able to get our Floridian friends outside during their visit
love all these little friends
and love all my big friends 
Kitchen reno complete!

Chloe had high hopes for our church gingerbread contest. I loved her little sketch; however, we forgot to incorporate enough time in the planning process.  She woke up to find what they started had faltered overnight because dad was too tired to hold it together.  BUT we still won an award for "best incorporation of scripture" as I had submitted this display as the "foolish man who built his house on the sand." 
Chloe took my spot this year and made our annual baklava with Teta. SOOO Yum!

And a happy new year starts off with all our other besties.